
5:00 || April 7th, 2003

Hey everyone, so, do ya likes??? I'm tryin'. Anyways, yeah, right now I'm listening to some new MP3's I just downloaded. They are all Clay Aiken's songs (If you watch American Idol, you know who I'm talkin' about.) He deserves to win. So yeah, Life's like this!!!! LOL. Nothin much happenedd today. Talked to my dad, my mom, my bro and Sean on the phone, worked on my webpage, and you know, had a friend beg me for forgivness. LOL, I love being powerful. Anyways, ttyl. Buh BYe

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I am 5'3' and I have short layered, flippy hair which has blak roots and red tips. I usually wear anything that fits my mood, so you can label me a dork. My favorite books are romance, horror, adventure, mystery...lol...even history is interesting to me. I love only 2 people. Sean and CLAY AIKEN!!! He deserves to win!!! WOO HOO!!! Oh yeah, I'm 15, Canadian and think Avirl Lavigne rocks, and Blink 182 and CLAY AIKEN!!!! I also hate war.