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Just a little (ok a lot) about my family.

My name is Carrie. My husband of 10 years is Joe. We have 3 sons, Matthew-9, Chris-8 and Joey-4. We have been crammed in a small 2 bedroom apartment for 7 years. It was ok in size until Joey was born and the boys got bigger. Now there is NO ROOM FOR ANYONE!!

We are a hard working family with many medical issues. My husband fights migraines and back problems while working 1 full-time and 1 part-time job. I am diabetic with the complications that come with it after having it for 25 years. I work part-time in a Day Care center with 2nd graders after school. Our son Matthew has Cerebral Palsy and is growing too fast for his muscles and tendons to keep up. (He's 4'7") Chris has epilepsy and ADD/ADHD. He is medicated for the epilepsy but can't be for the ADD. As for Joey, we continue to hold our breath and pray nothing will come up. He is perfectly healthy for being 8 weeks early! We just can't seem to get ahead of the bills to save any money for a house.

Our children ask everyday, "When can we move into a house?" We keep saying, "Someday," That is when I heard about people asking for money on the "net" to help them with bills, homes etc. and thought "Why not." If others can do it, so can I. So, here I am trying to ask for help for me and my family to finally get our house. If you are interested in helping us, please email me for further information. Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!