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Big old (gone back) stag was shot ten min. after this photo. This tree was red hot when I found it and old mate Kelvin from Tasmania walked up a rough 28incher for his first sambar stag.A difficult job done well.This hunt took place 40 minutes from Melbourne after we had spent the previous week hunting in the Dargo area for S.F.A.The tree is a wild cherry(non fruiting) a real favourite for sambar stags to rub.By the way anyone got a Cape Buffalo headskin for sale?Kelvin is after one.

This stag was shot one mid-week hunt with GM's hounds in the Yarrambulla Ck. Mick Cleve fired one shot .30-06 after a short run.We had a top Wednesday which was worth taking a day off work for.Who wants to work when you can go deer hunting instead.

This hide has had many deer viewed from it (and taken) note two top dogs of mine at ladder base. To use this type of dog is illegal now. Dog on right was shot through the mouth by an idiot banging bullets whilst I was hunting deer at Whittlesea one morning the idiot knows who he is. Red died shortly after. Hard to see bitch on left is now on a pension after giving me a much easier time finding shot deer in thick bush.Just put her on the mark and she would be barking on the body in minutes saving me plenty of time (And worry).

A shot of some of the stags at home, mounted by Ian Humphries of course. For those who don`t know the smaller deer is a fallow buck.I hunt Tasmania with old mate Kelvin for these bucks its a great place,yeah! there are plenty of devils about which clean up every bit of guts hide hooves etc.They would clean you up if you laid down and died and weren`t found pretty quick.

Lake Eildon 80's one shot 7mm mag this stag was blind in one eye. I think it helped me.Only 80m`s inside the bush edge a bonus for the carry out to the boat.