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 Shipping Info 

Calculate your costs! USPS Shipping Calculator (the package is 1.7 oz., measuring 9 inches long by 6 inches wide, shipping from California to you)

Shipping depends on where you live (around $5-$15 for UPS ground, $1 and up for regular mail, insured or uninsured, or global... check out the calculator), so I will tell you your final cost once I receive the request form. Usually it is $3 per headband, including insurance.

If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area, you can arrange a pick-up, specially if you will be at a convention that I am also attending.  Again, contact me.

I do ship globally.  Email me for exact quote.

  Insurance is $2 a headband.  Your shipping costs cover envelope price, postage, and optional insurance.

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