Fools Motley Magazine
Fools Motley Magazine

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Submission Guidelines

Current Issue


Issue #6:

Death's Folly,

by B. Liomask


A Bite of the Apple,

by Larry Centor


Bubblegum Girl,

by James Monticone


Witch Kingdom,

by Vera Searles



by Brian C.Petroziello


The Kid Catcher,

by David Choate


Issue #5:

Bob's World,

by Marc Crofton


Sheldon the Very Brave Accountant,

by R. E. Mendel


Blue Flamers,

by Dr. Dona T. Mularkey


The Tunnel at the End of the Light,

by Brian C. Petroziello


The Man Who Wouldn't Eat Pineapples,

by Byron Leavitt


Modern Art,

by David McGillveray


An Offer from Mr. Bricks,

by William I. Lengeman III


Issue #4:

Stanely Finds a Vortex,

by Randy Tanner


There's a Lot of Letters in Rumplestiltskin,

by Robert Neilson


An Ingenious Adventure,

by Jason Sizemore


A Failure of Self-Help,

by Rosalind Barden


Stony Weather,

by T.P. Keating


Issue #3:


by Richard S. Freeland


Ghost Therapy,

by Gerald Sheagren


Angel Envy,

by Ian Donnell Arbuckle



by Dr Terry Dartnall


Trapped in a Barrel,

by Steven Holmes



by Dena Graham


The Tale of the Brilliant Thief,

by Ally Wren


Beat Burt,

by Mike Boone


Issue #2:

Remembering Krempla,

by H. David Blalock


Cthulu Calling Collect,

by Gregory Story


At the Trial
of the Loathsome Slime,

by William Meikle


Just Another Day at Roswell,

by Randy Tanner


A Million Ducks Quacking,

by Marc Crofton





Issue #1:

No Pay, No Pass

by H. David Blalock


The Recruit

by Janice Clark


Adventure or Bust

by Daniel Devine


Fairy Godmothers Anonymous

by Beth Long


The Case of the Devil's Box

by Daniel L. Needles


Letters to the Chintzes

by Susan Lange




If you've enjoyed our magazine, try our previous issues for more great fiction!

Issue #6

March, 2005


Death's Folly,
Where we see why its so hard for a Lord of the afterlife to make new friends,
by B. Liomask

A Bite of the Apple,
Gives us an irreverant look at how things really would have gone in the Garden of Eden,
by Larry Centor

Bubblegum Girl,
A hilarious new adventure to chew on,
by James Monticone

Witch Kingdom,
Shows the dangers of using magic for fun and profit,
by Vera Searles

Something evil's been cooked up,
by Brian C. Petrziello

The Kid Catcher,
Gives us a whole new reason to stay away from strangers,
by David Choate


Issue #5

July 1, 2004


Bob's World,
Where the hardest thing to prove is always the truth,
by Marc Crofton

Sheldon the Very Brave Accountant,
The wrong person who becomes the right hero,
by R.E. Mendell

Blue Flamers,
An old-fashioned down-home close encounter,
by Dr. Dona T. Mularkey

The Tunnel at the End of the Light,
Explores the problems with the wishes of a modern man,
by Brian C. Petroziello

The Man Who Wouldn't Eat Pineapples,
Finds its the little things that matter in a relationship,
by Byron Leavitt

Modern Art,
For a brilliant mind the whole universe is a blank canvas,
by David McGillveray

An Offer from Mr. Bricks,
Is a hard thing for the author to refuse,
by William I. Lengeman III


Issue #4

July 1, 2004


Stanely Finds a Vortex,
Shows us that sometimes it pays not to be cautious,
by Randy Tanner

There's a Lot of Letters in Rumplestiltskin,
The tale of a dwarf who has even more talents than you've heard about,
by Robert Neilson

An Ingenious Adventure,
Depicts the dangers of being a not-so-bright genius,
by Jason Sizemore

A Failure of Self-Help,
Sometimes it's hard to win friends while influencing people,
by Rosalind Barden

Stony Weather,
Where a vampire turned bat-burglar meets her match,
by T.P. Keating


Issue #3

March 1, 2004


Anomalies, The twisted tale of a small town facing big time excitement,
by Richard S. Freeland

Ghost Therapy, since too much confidence can be scary,
by Gerald Sheagren

Angel Envy, shows us that there's more to heaven than clouds and sunshine,
by Ian Donnell Arbuckle

Thromboles, reminds us that alien means hard to understand,
by Dr. Terry Dartnall

Trapped in a Barrel, serves us up a tasty bit of how commerical espionage ought to be, by Steven Holmes

Earth, makes us wonder what a telepathic alien would hear, when they made first contact, by Dena Kay Graham

The Tale of the Brilliant Thief, another cunning rogue to steal our hearts and so much more, by Ally Wrenn

Beat Burt, a short play about what happens when the serious game of politics turns silly, by Mike Boone


Issue #2

November 1, 2003


Remembering Krempla, the bitter-sweet story of what happens when the affairs of dragons dominate the lives of men,
by H. David Blalock

Cthulu Calling Collect, some brand new fun with the elder gods,
by Gregory Story

At the Trial of the Loathsome Slime, a simple case of primordial humor,
by William Meikle

Just Another Day at Roswell, because when aliens are a part of everyday life, even breakfast can be exciting,
by Randy Tanner

A Million Ducks Quacking, where one man's hell is another man's problem,
by Marc Crofton




Issue #1

July 1, 2003


No Pay, No Pass, a glimpse into the lonely life of your average blue-collar troll booth attendant,
by H. David Blalock

The Recruit, a feel-good, light-hearted look at demonic darkness, by Janice Clark

Adventure or Bust, the short, sad tale of a horse-thief in a one horse town, by Daniel Devine

Fairy Godmothers Anonymous, even the friendly spirits need to vent sometimes, by Beth Long

The Case of the Devil's Box, a lost story of Sherlock Holmes, found in the most unexpected place, by Daniel L. Needles

Letters to the Chintzes, nothing makes you feel all warm and fuzzy like mail from the family, by Susan Lange




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