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My Own Creation
FIDO version 1.0 final Learn basic programming by this fun program.  Write code, compile, and execute.  The execution is displayed on the program which a character on screen animates and follows.  This project was created by Jason Mogera, Robin Pillai, Patrick Ting, E_Dragon, Eric Tapia, and Mukesh.
IP Post 0.9.1 beta Displays your External IP, searches keywords in a document and replaces them with either External IP, Local IP, Comment, or Date.  Lastly uploads that generated document to an FTP site.  I use this because I have a dynamic IP and I want to post my ftp and website on my free website.
Movie Database 1.0 My movie database in access.  It has some forms in it and bits of Basic programming.  See the database in html.
MovieStart 1.0 final Switch board application that detects movie files, installers, and codecs and runs them.  Good for Movie CDs.
E_Wallpaper 1.0 (Coming Soon) Download wallpapers from my ftp or website to your desktop automatically.  You can schedule when to switch wallpapers and you'll have a list of the order in which you want to display next like a play list. 
WinTuc 0.7 beta Media Player Alarm Clock.  Turns up the volume at a specified time.
Others Downloads - Applications that are useful