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8/24/03 Panoramas Fix.  Room Panorama updated.
8/22/03 Cool Panoramas added.  Look under Picture Album.


Improvements in website (Dark Dragons) hosted on my computer.  Plus Page redirection when ready was added to edragon and ddragon
8/10/03 IPPost Updated see downloads page.  IPPost still incomplete
7/25/03 3.0 released
Missing my baby


Feature Music Now Playing on Site:
Click on song on the left bottom corner to change track...


Artist Title
1 Free Rap Beat Free Rap Beat 2 instumental
2 Jamila & York Jastamba
Watergate Asian Heart
Crazy Town Butterfly instumental
5 Seal Kiss From a Rose
6 Vennessa Williams Love is...
7 (Hidden Music) one hidden music that's only played at a special page
Please be patient while some connections like 56k takes 15 seconds to start...(Titles change bimonthly)
Free Hit Counter
people have visited this site.



    Hello valued web-surfer.  Welcome to E_Dragon's website!  I hope you'll enjoy your stay.  This site's main theme is my wallpapers which are my own design.  You can go to other pages like the Fun page which has games or just things to do.  There's also music played on this website.  On the bottom left corner, you'll find a list of music for this website and the playback functions.  I dedicated a portion of this site to my friends and family whom I love.  Also, it's a way to exercise my computer knowledge.  Of course, this website is always under construction.  I have made some LARGE improvements on this website and now declared the version as 3.0.   Check out the FIDO java program which I take part in its creation with CalPoly's Black Team.  This website was created from mostly scraped from my old version.   If you're into my artwork then you know where to go.  I have won some awards for it.  Other categories such as links are just my personal favorites.  Please sign my guestbook and leave a comment.  If you have anything else to say like an opinion, please e-mail me.  Look for it in the about me page.  Hopefully I can update this site monthly with new pictures in the album, improvements, and what's new so that your viewing is much more pleasurable.  In the meantime, have fun...!!!  Since read this far, I added a small game with prizes.  All you have to do is uncover hidden areas.  Once you uncover them, follow the directions and you'll get a prize.  You might have to do some nifty tricks to get to them but it may be by accident.  Anyway, just something for fun.  Creativity and originality is hard to find these days so give me a break.  =D

  Useful things you need to know about this website...

The homepage automatically plays music using Windows Media Player.
It's best viewed at 800x600 or 1024x768
This page was last updated on July 27, 2003.

This site was created by Adobe Photoshop 7, Frontpage 2002, and Visual Studio 98 and .Net























Artwork by Bryan Dinh

It's best viewed at 800x600 or 1024x768
For IE users, please push [F11] to view Full-Screen
Art and name (Electric-Dragon) copyright 2001