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Feature Music Now Playing on Site:
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Artist Title
1 Free Rap Beat Free Rap Beat 2 instumental
2 Jamila & York Jastamba
Watergate Asian Heart
Crazy Town Butterfly instumental
5 Seal Kiss From a Rose
6 Vennessa Williams Love is...
7 (Hidden Music) one hidden music that's only played at a special page
Please be patient while some connections like 56k takes 15 seconds to start...(Titles change bimonthly)

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Karaoke Online

Sing Karaoke Songs Online.  The words follows with the music so sing and enjoy.  It has mostly Oldies love songs or Fun songs.  It doesn't have rap or new songs...sorry.
QuickTime Karaoke brought to you by Hawaii Zone
Real Media Player Karaoke brought to you by
By request, I can put up songs for you.  contact me 

FIDO version 1.0

I was responsible mainly for graphics.  I designed and programmed the very easy and simple 2D perspective graphics-engine for FIDO.  In addition, I designed the environment settings, and participated in FIDO discussions, and created all the sprites (characters) in the application.  I have to give a lot of credit to Patrick Ting who I think integrated FIDO programming and made it work.  He is also hosting the website for FIDO.  However, all of members played an important role in the creation of FIDO.

March 12, 2003 :
FIDO is a visual programming language environment designed to help young adults with learning how to program. FIDO was made entirely with java and requires at least JRE 1.4.1.

FIDO 1.0 : Official release. This will probably be the final and only official release that the Black team will ever produce. This project was done over a 10 week period learning Software Engineering fundamentals in the process.

One thing to note about this project. There's a lot of outstanding bugs that weren't fixed in beta and because some sections of the code was poorly designed, some bugs will aways be there, until we decide to redo them. =P.  Give us a break, it was a 10 week project which should have taken a lot more.  If we had more time, we could have given a more detail, accurate, faster, and stable product. hehheh.

binaries, source, and javadocs :

This project was created by Jason Mogera, Robin Pillai, Patrick Ting, Bryan Dinh<---that's me, Eric Tapia, and Mukesh.



- Patrick Ting


Games Check
Checkers Excite Horoscopes
Play Snake Love Rater
Pong Recipe of the Day
Tetris Sports
Tic-Tac-Toe 12 STI of Christmas
Video Poker Want a hug?
Flash Games Happy Tree Friends Flash Episodes