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             Integrated Science Unit 4: General Chemistry

At the end of this unit you should be able to:

1. Describe, and quote examples of, the terms: atom; element (metallic and non-metallic); compound; mixture; pure substance; molecule, monatomic and diatomic; physical property; chemical property.

2. Interpret molecular formulae, in terms of types and numbers of atoms present.

3. Describe the structure of atoms in terms of protons, electrons, and neutrons.

4. Use mass number and atomic number data to determine the number of electrons, protons, and neutrons in an atom.

5. Quote Avogadro's Hypothesis

6. Use evidence of reacting volumes of gases to explain Avogadro's Hypothesis (See Videos: 1; 2)

7. Define the terms relative molecular mass and relative atomic mass, and show how they can be obtained using gas densities.

8. Be able to predict the number of electrons in outermost level.

9. Determine the empirical formula of a substance using information based on percentage composition and atomic masses (including data processing from lab results).

10. Determine the molecular formula of a substance using information based on percentage composition and molecular mass.

11. Describe a model for a gas based on movement and spacing of molecules.

12. Explain the term pressure, and perform simple calculations involving mechanical examples of pressure. (include units N/m2)

13. Compare the speeds of molecules of different gases at the same temperature and quote experimental evidence to support this (contrast average speed of molecules of different gases to their average kinetic energy at the same temperature)

14. Describe an experiment that shows that speeds of molecules of different gases are different. (eg. ammonia/hydrogen chloride diffusion )

15. Describe and perform an experiment which shows the relationship between pressure and volume of a gas (T constant) and explain this relationship in terms of kinetic molecular theory.

16. Describe and perform an experiment which shows the relationship between pressure of a sample of a gas and its temperature (V constant) and explain this relationship in terms of kinetic molecular theory.


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