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Everyone knew that Romeo was still at large.  Everyone knew that he would eventually resurface.  No one knows his real identity, or why he's killing.  But, HE DOES.  And it's all for REVENGE.


( Chapters:  P 1 )



When Toni McIver is assigned her own investigation, she must work alone to stop a mad man, who has earned the nickname "The General", from burning down Atlanta, Georgia.  But while investigating the first crime scene she runs into more than she could have ever thought possible.



This Series is intended for mature audiences.

Parental discretion is advised.


Blood Roses: Chapter 1


Her apartment was dark, much the same way it had been since Faith’s death. There were five messages on her machine from Jason and two from Toni and Logan. She figured she better get her butt out of bed and face the world, but so far, she hadn’t been very successful at that.

The walls creaked and the refrigerator hummed so loud she wanted to permanently disable it. Every noise was a possible threat waiting to happen. What had happened to her that she was so afraid of the world?

Another creaking drew her attention, this time; she could swear it was the front door. But was it friend or foe? Hope grabbed the gun from her nightstand and hid in the shadows. She’d be damned if Romeo was going to get the drop on her a second time.

The footsteps came closer and closer. Every step made her skin crawl, and she pressed herself further and further into the closet. It wasn’t until she raised her gun and took aim that she realized the intruder was just beyond the door. Her gun hand shook as she wiped the sweat off her brow.


(RED = Newest Release)


Case #2: Blood Roses

( Chapters:  P 1 )



Case # 3:  Burn

(Chapters:  1 )



Case #3:  BURN - Chapter 1


Toni McIver is assigned her own investigation and a new partner, Kyle Weston, who is also investigation the Sleuths.


Could one of the Sleuths be responsible for the string of arsons plaguing the southern states?


Find out as the mystery unfolds!








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©2003-2004 Sleuths

The images used within these pages are intended
solely for illustrative purposes, and in no way
signify endorsement or participation on the subjects' behalves.


While locations are referred to in terms of existing USA States and towns in them, the places 

- like the characters who inhabit them - exist solely in the author's imagination.


Any resemblance to people (living or dead) is purely coincidental.

Site design, graphics, characters, and storylines are property of Derick W. and Toni Walker.