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Dogs are fascinating animals. So are cats and iguanas; but this is a dog page, not a cat and iguana page.

dog picture

The most popular dog breeds

According to Sleeping Dogs, Inc., these are the most popular dog breeds:

A small, acvtive breed of hunting dog.
Any of several breeds of dog that were trained to retrieve game animals.
A short-haired dog characterized by a large head, a strong jaw, and a thickset body.
A Large, agile working dog originally developed in scotland as a sheepdog.
A nonsporting dog with a dense coat that can be clipped in a variety of styles.

(a picture of Herman)

My Favorite Dog

My favorite dog is , Lady,
a silly looking mutt with the body of a chihuahua and the legs of a wiener dog.

Mom's Favorite Dog

Mom's favorite dog is Little Joe, a sweet, hairy, little Terrier. Unfortunately, Little Joe is no longer with us.

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© 2001, Tim Bostock,

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