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Maria Theresia's Descendants

Maria Theresia's Descendants

July 21th 1999:
This is my personal try to collect Maria Theresia's descendants who are living today! I am not interested in the last two centuries because you can find these informations in a lot of books or websites. I want her descendants of the 20th century (that's what my website is all about).
I hope that I can connect this page with my other genealogical pages and also with genealogical pages which I found in the internet! My aim is that everybody (including myself) is able to find the living descendants of Maria Theresia in the net!
It will be a long way until I will reach this aim but I will try my best. Maybe in the next century we all will have the complete genealogy of the 20th century!
I would like to know a place where you can find all the Brenskes, Galdos, Holzhausens, Morenos, Weillers etc:!!!


1) Maria Elisabeth (1737-1740)

2) Maria Anna (1738-1789)

3) Maria Karoline (1740-1741)

4) Emperor Joseph II. of Austria (1741-1790)
= 1. Princess Isabella of Bourbon-Parma,
= 2. Maria Josefa of Bavaria

5) Maria Christine (1742-1798) = Duke Albert of Saxony-Teschen

6) Elisabeth (1743-1808)

7) Karl Joseph (1745-1761)

8) Maria Amalie (1746-1804) = Duke Ferdinando of Bourbon-Parma (Bourbon)

9) Leopold II., Emperor (1747-1792) = Infanta Maria Ludovica of Spain (Bourbon)

10) Karoline (1748-1748)

11) Johanna Gabriele (1750-1762)

12) Maria Josepha (1751-1767)

13) Maria Karoline (1752-1814) = King Ferdinando I. of Sicily (Bourbon)

14) Ferdinand Karl (1754-1806) = Maria Beatrice d'Este (Modena)

15) Maria Antonia (Queen Marie Antoinette of France) (1755-1793) = King Louis XVI. of France

16) Maximilian Franz (1756-1801)


Children of Emperor Joseph II. of Habsburg and Princess Isabella of Bourbon-Parma:
4.1.) Maria Theresia (1762-1770)
4.2.) Marie Christine (1763-1763)

Child of Archduchess Marie Christine and Duke Albert of Saxony-Teschen:
5.1.) daughter (1767-1767)

Children of Archduchess Maria Amalia and Duke Ferdinando of Bourbon-Parma:
8.1.) Karoline (1770-1804) = Prince Maximilian of Saxony
8.2.) Don Luis de Bourbon, King of Etruria (1773-1803) = Infanta Maria Luisa of Spain (daughter of King Carlos IV.)
8.3.) Marie Antonie (1774-1841)
8.4.) Charlotte (1777-1813)
8.5.) Philipp (1783-1786)
8.6.) Luise (1787-1788)

Children of Emperor Leopold II. of Habsburg and Infanta Maria Ludovica of Spain
9.1.) Marie Therese (1767-1827) = King Anton I. of Saxony
9.2.) Emperor Franz II. of Austria (1768-1835)
= 1. Elisabeth of Württemberg
= 2. Princess Maria Theresia of Sicily (his cousin 13.1.)
= 3. Archduchess Maria Ludovica of Modena-Este (his cousin 14.9.)
= 4. Princess Karolina of Bavaria
9.3.) Ferdinand III., Grand Duke of Tuscany (1769-1824) = Princess Ludovica of Sicily (his cousin 13.2.)
9.4.) Marie Anna (1770-1809)
9.5.) Karl (1771-1847) = Henriette of Nassau-Weilburg
for issues see: Descendants of Archduke Karl of Austria, Duke of Teschen (by Hein Bruins)
9.6.) Leopold (1772-1795)
9.7.) Albrecht (1773-1774)
9.8.) Maximilian (1774-1778)
9.9.) Josef, Palatin of Hungary (1776-1847)
= 1. Grand Duchess Alexandra Pavlovna of Russia
= 2. Hermine of Anhalt-Bernburg-Hoym
= 3. Marie of Württemberg
for issues see:Habsburg-Hungary(not ready yet!)
9.10.) Klementine (1777-1801) = King Francesco I. of Sicily (her cousin 13.5.)
9.11.) Anton (1779-1835)
9.12.) Amalie (1780-1798)
9.13.) Johann (1782-1859) = Anna Maria Plochl (issues created Counts of Meran!)
9.14.) Archduke Rainer (1783-1853) = Princess Elisabeth of Savoy-Carignan
9.15.) Ludwig (1784-1864)
9.16.) Rudolf (1788-1831)

Children of Archduchess Maria Karoline and King Ferdinando I. of Bourbon-Sicily:
13.1.) Maria Theresia (1772-1807) = Emperor Franz II. of Austria (her cousin 9.2.)
13.2.) Ludovica (1773-1802) = Grand Duke Ferdinand of Tuscany (her cousin 9.3.)
13.3.) Carlo, Duke of Apulia (1775-1778)
13.4.) Maria Anna (1775-1780)
13.5.) Francesco I., King of Sicily (1777-1830)
= 1. Archduchess Klementine of Austria (his cousin 9.10.)
= 2. Infanta Isabella of Spain (daughter of King Carlos IV.)
for issues see:Descendants of King Francesco I. of Sicily(not ready yet!)
13.6.) Maria Christina (1778-1783)
13.7.) Maria Christina (1779-1849) = King Carlo Felix of Sardinia
13.8.) Gennaro (1780-1789)
13.9.) Joseph (1781-1783)
13.10.) Maria Amalia (Queen Marie Amelie of France) (1782-1866) = Duke Louis Philippe I. of Orleans, King of France
for issues see:Descendants of King Louis Philippe I. of the French (by Hein Bruins)
13.11.) daughter stillborn 1783
13.12.) Maria Antonia (1784-1806) = Prince Fernando of Asturia (later King Fernando VII. of Spain)
13.13.) Maria Clothilde (1786-1792)
13.14.) Henriette (1787-1792)
13.15.) Carlo (1788-1789)
13.16.) Leopold, Prince of Salerno (1790-1851) = Archduchess Maria Clementina of Austria (daughter of Emperor Franz II., his niece, 9.2.6.)
13.17.) Albert (1792-1798)
13.18.) Maria Elisabetha (1793-1801)

Children of Archduke Ferdinand Karl and Maria Beatrice d'Este (Modena):
14.1.) Marie Therese (1773-1832) = King Vittorio Emanuele I. of Sardinia
14.2.) Josefa (1775-1777)
14.3.) Leopoldine (1776-1848)
= 1. Karl Theodor von der Pfalz, Kurfürst von Bayern
= 2. Ludwig, Count of Arco
14.4.) Franz IV., Duke of Modena-Este (1779-1846) = Princess Beatrice of Sardinia (his niece, 14.1.?)
14.5.) Ferdinand (1781-1850)
14.6.) Maximilian (1782-1863)
14.7.) Antonie (1784-1786)
14.8.) Karl Ambrosius (1785-1800)
14.9.) Maria Ludovica (1787-1816) = Emperor Franz II. of Austria

Children of Archduchess Marie Antoinette and King Louis XVI. of France:
15.1.) Marie Therese (1778-1851) = Duke Ludwig Anton of Angouleme (her cousin)
15.2.) Ludwig Joseph (1781-1789)
15.3.) Ludwig Charles (1785-1795?)
15.4.) Maria Sophia (1786-1787)


Children of Princess Karoline of Parma and Prince Maximilian of Saxony:
8.1.1.) Maria Amalia (1794-1870)
8.1.2.) Maria Ferdinanda (1796-1865) = Grand Duke Ferdinand III. of Tuscany
8.1.3.) King Friedrich August II. of Saxony (1797-1854) = 1. Archduchess Carolina of Austria (daughter of Emperor Franz II.), = 2. Princess Marie of Bavaria
8.1.4.) Clemens (1798-1822)
8.1.5.) Maria Anna (1799-1834) = Grand Duke Leopold II. of Tuscany
8.1.6.) King Johann I. of Saxony (1801-1873) = Princess Amalie of Bavaria
for issues see:Descendants of King Johann I. of Saxony(not ready yet!)
8.1.7.) Maria Josepha (1803-1829) = King Fernando VII. of Spain

Children of King Luis of Etruria and Infanta Maria Luisa of Spain
8.2.1.) Carlo III., Duke of Parma, Duke of Lucca (1799-1883) = Princess Maria Theresia of Sardinien
for issues see:Descendants of Duke Carlo III. of Parma (by Hein Bruins)
8.2.2.) Maria Louise (1802-1857) = 1. Maximilian von Sachsen, = 2. Franz, Graf Rossi, = 3. Johann von Vimercati

Children of Archduchess Marie Therese of Austria and King Anton I. of Saxony
9.1.1.) Maria Ludovica (1795-1796)
9.1.2.) Friedrich August (1796-1796)
9.1.3.) Maria Johanna (1798-1799)
9.1.4.) Maria Theresia (1799-1799)

Children of Emperor Franz II. of Austria
9.2.1.) Ludovika (1790-1791) (with 1st wife)
9.2.2.) Marie Louise (1791-1847) (with 2nd wife) = Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France
9.2.3.) Emperor Ferdinand I. of Austria (1793-1875) = Princess Maria Anna of Sardinia
9.2.4.) Carolina (1794-1795)
9.2.5.) Carolina (1795-1799)
9.2.6.) Leopoldina (1797-1826) = Emperor Pedro I. of Brazil
for issues see:Descendants of Emperor Pedro I. of Brazil(not ready yet!)
9.2.7.) Maria Clementina (1798-1881) = Prince Leopold of Salerno (13.16.)
9.2.8.) Joseph (1799-1807)
9.2.9.) Carolina (1801-1832) = Prince Friedrich August of Saxony (later King Friedrich August II., 8.1.3.)
9.2.10.) Archduke Franz Karl of Austria (1802-1878) = Sophie von Bayern
for issues see: Descendants of Archduke Franz Karl of Austria (by Hein Bruins)
9.2.11.) Marie Anna (1804-1858)
9.2.12.) Johann Nepomuk (1805-1809)
9.2.13.) Amalia (1807-1807)

Children of Grand Duke Ferdinando III. of Tuscany and Princess Ludovica of Sicily:
9.3.1.) Carolina (1793-1802)
9.3.2.) Franz (1794-1800)
9.3.3.) Leopold II., Grand Duke of Tuscany (1797-1870) = 1. Princess Maria Anna of Saxony, = 2. Princess Maria Antonia of Sicily
for issues see:Habsburg-Tuscany(not ready yet!)
9.3.4.) Maria Ludovica (1798-1857)
9.3.5.) Maria Theresia (1801-1855) = King Carlo Alberto of Sardinia
for issues see:Descendants of King Carlo Alberto of Sardinia(not ready yet!)
9.3.6.) Child stillborn (1802)

Children of Archduke Karl and Henriette of Nassau-Weilburg
9.5.1.) Maria Theresia (1816-1867) = King Ferdinando II. of Sicily
9.5.2.) Albrecht, Duke of Teschen (1817-1895) = Princess Hildegard of Bavaria
9.5.3.) Karl Ferdinand (1818-1874) = Archduchess Elisabeth of Austria
9.5.4.) Friedrich (1821-1847)
9.5.5.) Rudolf Franz (1822-1822)
9.5.6.) Maria Karolina (1825-1915) = Archduke Rainer d.J.(means jr.) of Austria
9.5.7.) Wilhelm (1827-1894)

Children of Palatin Josef of Hungary
9.9.1.) Alexandrina (1801-1801) by 1st wife
9.9.2.) Hermine (1817-1842) by 2nd wife
9.9.3.) Stephan (1817-1867) twinbrother of Hermine!
9.9.4.) Elisabeth (1820-1820) by 3rd wife
9.9.5.) Alexander (1825-1837)
9.9.6.) Elisabeth (1831-1903) = 1. Archduke Ferdinand of Austria, = 2. Archduke Karl Ferdinand of Austria
9.9.7.) Josef (1833-1905) = Princess Klothilde of Saxony-Coburg-Gotha
9.9.8.) Marie Henriette (1836-1902) = König Leopold II. von Belgien

Children of Archduchess Klementine and King Francesco I. of Sicily
9.10.1.) Karoline (1798-1870) = 1. Duke Ferdinand of Berry, = 2. Hektor Lucchesi Palli, Ducca della Grazia
9.10.2.) Ferdinand (1800-1801)
9.10.3.) Luise (1801-1844) = Francisco de Paula, Infant of Spain

Child of Archduke Johann of Austria and Anna Maria Plochl
9.13.1.) Franz, Count of Meran (1839-1891) = Theresia von Lamberg
for issues see:Counts of Meran(almost ready!)

Children of Archduke Rainer of Austria and Princess Elisabeth of Savoy-Carignan
9.14.1.) Maria/e (1821-1844)
9.14.2.) Adelheid (1822-1855) = King Vittorio Emanuele II. of Sardinia
for issues see:Descendants of King Carlo Alberto of Sardinia(not ready yet!)
9.14.3.) Leopold (1823-1898)
9.14.4.) Ernst (1824-1899)
9.14.5.) Sigismund (1826-1891)
9.14.6.) Rainer d.J. (1827-1913) = Archduchess Karolina of Austria (daughter of Archduke Karl)
9.14.7.) Heinrich (1828-1891) = Leopoldine Hofmann, Freifrau von Waideck (1 daughter)
9.14.8.) Maximilian (1830-1839)

13 children of Princess Maria Theresia of Sicily and Emperor Franz II. of Austria (see above!)

6 children of Princess Ludovica of Sicily and Grand Duke Ferdinando III. of Tuscany (see above!)

Children of King Francesco I. of Sicily
13.5.1.) Maria Carolina (1798) = Herzog Carl von Berry (by 1st wife)
13.5.2.) Ferdinand (1800-1801)
13.5.3.) Ludovica (1804-1844)
13.5.4.) Maria Christina (1806-1878) = 1. König Ferdinand VII. von Spanien (by 2nd wife), = 2. Fernando Munoz, Duke of Ricanzares
13.5.5.) King Ferdinando II. of Sicily (1810-1859) = 1. Princess Christina of Sardinia, = 2. Archduchess Therese of Austria
13.5.6.) Carlo of Capua (1811-1862) = Penelope Smyth
13.5.7.) Leopold of Syracuse (1813-1860) = Princess Elisabeth of Savoy-Carignan (1 daughter Elisabeth *, + 1838)
13.5.8.) Maria Antonia (1814-1898) = Grand Duke Leopold II. of Tuscany
13.5.9.) Antonio of Lucca (1816-1843)
13.5.10.) Maria Amalia (1818-1857) = Infant Sebastian of Spain
13.5.11.) Maria Carolina (1820-1861) = Infant Carlos of Spain
13.5.12.) Theresia (1822-1889) = Emperor Pedro II. of Brazil
13.5.13.) Luigi, Count of Aquila (1824-1897) = Infanta Januaria of Brazil
13.5.14.) Francisco, Count of Trapani(1827-1892) = Archduchess Maria Isabella of Tuscany

Children of Princess Marie Amelie of Sicily and King Louis Philippe I. of France (Orleans)
13.10.1.) Ferdinand, Duke of Orleans (1810-1842) = Helene of Mecklenburg-Schwerin
13.10.2.) Louise (1812-1850) = King Leopold I. of Belgium
13.10.3.) Marie (1813-1839) = Duke Alexander of Württemberg
13.10.4.) Louis, Duke of Nemours (1814-1896) = Princess Victoria of Saxony-Coburg-Gotha
13.10.5.) Francoise (1816-1818)
13.10.6.) Marie Clementine (1817-1907) = Prince August of Saxony-Coburg-Gotha
13.10.7.) Francois, Prince of Joinville (1818-1900) = Infanta Francisca of Brazila
13.10.8.) Charles, Duke of Penthievre (1820-1828)
13.10.9.) Henri, Duke of Aumale (1822-1897) = Princess Carolina of Sicily
13.10.10.) Antoine, Duke of Montpensier (1824-1890) = Infanta Luisa Ferdinanda of Spain

Children of Prince Leopold of Salerno and Archduchess Klementine of Austria:
13.16.1) daughter (1819-1819)
13.16.2.) Maria Carolina (1822-1869) = Duke Henri of Aumale (her cousin)
13.16.3.) Ludwig Karl (1824, + young)
13.16.4.) daughter stillborn 1829

Children of Archduchess Marie Therese of Austria-Este and King Vittorio Emanuele I. of Sardinia
14.1.1.) Maria Beatrix (1792-1840) = Franz IV. von Modena-Este (her uncle)
14.1.2.) Maria Clothilde (1793-1795)
14.1.3.) Carlo (1796-1799)
14.1.4.) Maria Theresia (1803-1879) = Herzog Carl von Lucca (Karl II. von Parma)
14.1.5.) Maria Anna (1803-1884) = Kaiser Ferdinand I. von Österreich
14.1.6.) Maria Christina (1812-1836) = König Ferdinand II. von Neapel-Sizilien

Children of Duke Franz IV. of Modena and Princess Beatrice of Sardinia (see above!)
14.4.1.) Maria Theresia (1817-1886) = Henri de Bourbon, Duke of Bordeux, Count of Chambord
14.4.2.) Franz V., Duke of Modena (1819-1876) = Princess Adelgunde of Bavaria
(1 daughter: Anna Beatrix 1848-1849)
14.4.3.) Ferdinand (1821-1849) = Archduchess Elisabeth of Austria (1 daughter: Marie Therese 1849-1919 = King Ludwig III. of Bavaria)
14.4.4.) Maria Beatrix (1824-1906) = Infant Juan of Spain
(the line of Modena-Este ended here!)


Bavaria: Descendants of Auguste Ferdinande of Tuscany and Prince Luitpold of Bavaria
Belgium: Descendants of Princess Louise of Orleans and King Leopold I. of Belgium
Bonaparte: Descendants of Princess Clementine of Belgium and Prince Napoleon
Brazil: Descendants of Archduchess Leopoldine of Austria and Emperor Pedro I. of Brazil
Bulgaria:Descendants of Princess Giovanna of Italy and King Boris of Bulgaria
Habsburg: Descendants of Emperor Franz II. of Austria
Habsburg:Descendants of Archduke Franz Karl of Austria (by Hein Bruins)
Habsburg:Descendants of Archduke Karl of Austria, Duke of Teschen (by Hein Bruins)
Habsburg-Este: Descendants of Archduke Ferdinand Karl of Austria and Maria Beatrice d'Este (Modena)
Habsburg-Hungary: Descendants of Archduke Joseph of Austria, Palatin of Hungary
Habsburg-Tuscany: Descendants of Grand Duke Leopold II. of Tuscany
Hohenberg:Descendants of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and Countess Sophie Chotek
Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen: Descendants of ?
Italy: Descendants of Therese of Tuscany and King Carlo Alberto of Sardinia
Liechtenstein: Descendants of Archduchess Elisabeth Amalie of Austria and Prince Alois of Liechtenstein
Luxembourg:Descendants of Prince Felix of Bourbon-Parma and Grand Duchess Charlotte of Luxembourg
Meran: Descendants of Archduke Johann of Austria and Anna Maria Plochl (almost ready!)
Descendants of King Louis Philippe I. of the French (by Hein Bruins)
Parma (Bourbon): Descendants of Duke Carlo III. of Parma (by Hein Bruins)
Romania:Descendants of Princess Anne of Bourbon-Parma and King Michael I. of Romania
Saxony: Descendants of King Johann I. of Saxony
Sicily (Bourbon): Descendants of King Francesco I. of Sicily
Spain (Bourbon)
Spain: Descendants of King Alfonso XII. of Spain (by Hein Bruins)
Thurn und Taxis: Descendants of Archduchess Margarethe of Austria
Württemberg: Descendants of Princess Marie of Orleans

Created July 20th 1999! To be continued! Last modified August 21st 1999!

Still under construction! It will take a while until all links are ready! I will continue when I have the time (but I don't have that much!)! So please be patient with my. Maybe I will be ready in the next century!!!

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