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NOTE: Our website is being updated! Check back in the next few months to see the changes =:^)

FIERCE  WORDS TENDER  is a collaboration and conglomeration of women performance artists and the folks who love to listen them, in the area of San Jose, California.   This bus is driven by Miriam Sachs Martin, local poet, ESL instructor, and all around mensch. We exist courtesy of local coffeeshops and bookstores, who allow us to grace their premises and flaunt our stuff.

FIERCE WORDS TENDER is free of charge and wheelchair accessible, and will rock YOUR world with da most fiercest, feminist, fabulousness. All people are welcomed in the audience, all self-identified women are welcomed to take the mic. This is an 'everywoman's mic'; we don't have a sign up sheet and there are no feature performers - just come down and take the mic as the spirit moves you. We welcome poetry, music, dance, drama, comedy, song, visual art, audience participation, improv, rhythm, spoken word, short stories, rap, listening, storytelling, & any otha kind of ART you can think of!

Check this site often for the lastest news & announcements, visit (and please submit to!) our contributors gallery, or have a little rendezvous with some succulent linx.

FIERCE WORDS TENDER continues being its fabulous, welcoming self.  Please come on down, and check us out!  Bring a friend!!

938 The Alameda, San Jose 
Every 2nd SATURDAY 6:30 - 8:00 PM

Questions? Comments? Contact Miriam at

Last updated September 2003