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poems and song lyrics with depressive themes

The Wakingis an excellent poem and is my all time favorite. Each time I read it, I can understand the feelings of the man in the poem a little more. Written by Theodore Roethke.
Fade To Blackgives an idea on the feelings of the depths of depression. Written by James Hetfield.
Standing on the Outsideis a song about someone who is feeling lonely and depressed. This is how I feel toward some of my friends, and how I felt like my depression would not seem to go away. Written by Sheryl Crow.
Jumperis a song in which a man notices a change in his friend's behaviour and tries to talk his friend out of suicide. "I wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend..."
I Wish I felt NothingWritten by Jakob Dylan
Harbinger of Hellwritten by L.Taylor; this poem is an account of a dream
Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good NightWritten by Dylan Thomas
I Think Aboutpoem written by Sara
Insideanother poem written by Sara
The Unforgivensong by Metallica; from the "Black" album
Unforgiven IIanother song by Metallica; from the "Reload" CD
San Andreas Faultsong by Natalie Merchant; from the "Tigerlily" CD
Beloved Wifesong by Natalie Merchant; also from "Tigerlily"
Suicide is Painless the theme from M*A*S*H
And Death Shall Have No Dominion Another poem by Dylan Thomas
my thoughts a poem submitted by Mark Reiley
The Pass this is written and performed by Rush. Thanks to Barbara for suggesting this one.

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