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"and the years start coming and they won't stop coming, fed to the rules and I hit the ground running"
"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end."

 you all laugh because I'm different...I laugh because you're all the same.

I have loved and I have waited; been picked up and been sedated...Mental Health is overrated...

Name: L. A. Taylor ( a.k.a. Deridden )
Residence: currently in Raleigh, NC
Age: 20-29 group
Occupation: student, North Carolina State University , psychology + sociology
hobbies/interests: music & going to shows (concerts), spades, internet, traveling; four-wheeling; body art (3 tats and counting..); and deep philosophical stuff that makes you think---like the ponderings of our frail human reality; and "mambo number 5" (recently my mind's been in duh gutter--me thinks it's a manic-state thing)
favourite TV show: "The X-Files" (an X-F Freak), NFL football
favourite actor: Robin Williams, David Duchovney, Phil Hartman
favourite actress: Gillian Anderson (oh HELL yeah!!), Michelle Pfeiffer
favourite book: so call me a nerd, but right now It's my abnormal psychology book
favourite movie: Dead Poet's Society; also freaky horror movies (the stranger, the better!) What can I say? I grew up watching Alfred Hitchcock, The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits!!
favourite food: a good home-cooked meal, and anything but McDonald's
favourite restaraunt: The Waffle House, Bojangles' (gotta get that daily dose of their crack tea..uhh I mean sweet tea)
favourite drink: (yo quiero) chocolate milk, anything with caffeine (I'm a funky caf junkie), and strawberry daiquiri's
favourite music: All types (I love the poetry of music).. Handel, Led Zeppelin, Grateful Dead, Chuck Berry, Beatles, Bob Dylan, Metallica, Pink Floyd, Rancid, Reba McEntyre, Tim McGraw, Mary Chapin-Carpenter
favourite sports teams: Chicago Bears, C. Bulls, Milwaukee Brewers and NCSU Wolfpack football **note: while my allegiance will always be with the Chicago Bears, by default I am now a St. Louis Rams fan because of the Rams' intelligent decision to draft Torry Holt, NC State Alumni.

background information

Special recognitions go to: these following people have helped me, tolerated me, and didn't run away screaming when they found out that I was mentally ill...
Jody----Hmm...Yeah, right! I'm just glad I turned all this mess into something good.
Dad---I know that no matter what I do, when things matter the most you'll be there.
Mom---I know you're up there somewhere watchin' over me...
Amy---my big sis, thanks for all the times you let me crash at your house, adopting me as your lil sis, and for letting me read every damn psychology book that you have...(let me know when you get a new one!)
Chad--- my big brother who always makes me laugh
"Mama Sue"--- thanks for seeing that I got proper medical attention when my life was going to hell (without you to take me to the local health center, I might not have made it!)
"POP"---thanks for putting up with my constant complaining and not throwing me out of your house
"aunt" Joanie---thanks for caring--it means a lot
Margaret---we've been through some hard times together...thank-you for everything (esp. love and food!).
Carol---Thank-you for helping me discover the truth...
Gwen and Suzy--- thanks for being excellent friends--y'all are beautiful inside and out.
Monica---thanks for helping me to walk without're the best PT that I know!
David and Susie from New Hope:---David: thanx for prayin' for me! Susie: your support means so much! You are great friends!
Phyllis, Sharon, and Nancy:---thank-you for helping me get by one day at a time
...and last but not least,---the one and only, my nephew, Mr. Jaycen Taylor (whom I affectionately refer to as the "terrorist child") he's the most handsome 2.5-year-old boy that I have seen. (of COURSE I'm biased; I'm his aunt---but he's STILL the most handsome!!!)

"What is truth? What is reality? The truth is; we create our own reality..."

¡ Ay Chiuahua !
(an inside joke for those of you in the know!)

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