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You`all jest follow along with me and we`ll find Paw directly I spose--

Well I declare, I think he`s over in the necessary room, that`s where he does most of his reading, he should be out directly.

Look-a here Paw ,those two young folks from down yonder on that dude ranch stopped by to pay us another visit, reckon they didn`t get enough earbending the other day,she`s a mite slower, sez those boots take some gettin used to,but she`ll catch up directly.

Well, howdy young fellar, you caught me at my busy time, but I reckon I can spare a little free time.Why don`t you jest keep practicing your draw till your little lady ketches up and I`ll slip over and hitch my flatbed behind the tractor so`s your woman won`t have to walk, cuz it`s a right fur piece over to the hollur!

Ther`es that foxy little lady a sittin over yonder on that log ~ looks like sh`s a stewing a little bit ~ better walk soft boy! ~

Well I guess you young`s are about ready ~ Maw ~ do you feel like a little ride? ~ no you say~ you got to feed that guldurned cat! If I ate as much as that critter I`d be round as a plumb ball! Well we`ll be back directly, get some more old pitchurs out, thes kids seemed to enjoy them.

We`ll ride over towards those trees over yonder and jest maybe we might get lucky~ it`s ruttin time for deer and the buck will be chasing the girls~doe that is!
Now ain`t that a purty sight! That`s Maw`s mare "Sunset" with her foal"J.R." and those other nags belong to one of the Ledbetter`s boys. Lookee there, there are some young deer over yonder grazing! If`n we`re real quiet , you`all might get close enough for a couple of pitchers!

Theres a sure sign of winter ~~geese a flying south for warmer pastures. Speaking of warmer, I jest bet you kids could do with a little heat yourself! It`s kinda gettin towards dark, I can hear those ole coyotes startin to howl!

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~ "Paw`s Bio" ~

"Paw`s Bio"
if you`all want to come in and visit for awhile ~ maybe you got time to read "Paw`s "Bio" ~ cuz you never know what he`s a hatching! ha ~ ha ~ ~ here`s a picture of "Paw & Me"

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