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Contrary to what most people think, I was not found under a wet rock!

On a cold, wet, frosty, dismal day on Dec.30th in the year 1926 there crawled from the deep dark crevasse of Paw`s mother`s loins a beautiful baby boy of 7lbs. 6oz. give or take a pound or two ~~~~

~ "ME" ~
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Wellll now, I don`t want to brag or anthing, but I sure was a joy to behold!! ~ First rule of thumb, if your going to do a Bio, don`t sell yourself short! ~ but I digress~

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In my early formative years I experienced a normal upbringing in Baltimore-Md. ~ we borrowed softdrink bottles off porches to take to the store & get the 2 cents a bottle deposit back ~this was B.A.~ before aluminum!! In the afternoon we would catch a freight for a free ride (dumb deal ~ don`t try this at home)
and hope we could catch one to bring us back before supper.

Sometimes one of the kids would have a ball and if it was a real good day we might find a kid with a real bat! Happy Days!!

Now, in the evening,( when dark that is ) we really did our stuff!! My dad would send me to get a newspaper, cost 2 cents from a machine. I was clever, use a stick, keep the 2 cents, small fortune in 1935, sometimes my dad would complain because the first page was torn, but who`s he going to call??-- we didn`t have a phone until about 1940 so much for the good life!!

You better believe it was the good life!!--- We might not have been the brightest kids on the universe, but we sure were a happy bunch!! No phones-- no T.V.- no nintendo - no car!! - no car !! but we had each other and a huge"IMAGINATION" ~~ here I go again waaaaannnnddddeeerrringg in my thoughts. Thoughts? Thinking? Imagination? ~~ strange words these days!! ~ I`ll have to go to Wal-Mart and get one--- wonder where I would plug it in??


Sorry-- if I stray from the substance of this Bio, but ~ I have trouble finding my toothbrush~ my comb ~ my shoes ~ my socks ~ oh well ~ you get the picture.

SOOOOooooooo~~ back to my story~~ which before I begin ~~ One of my grandsons the other day ~ doesn`t matter which one, they all have said the same thing at some point in time~~ I AIN`T GOT NOTHING TO DO ~~ THIS IS BOORING!! All he has is T.V.~ Nintendo~ Computer~ Little League ~ Tetherball ~ Basketball ~ Soccerball ~ Swimming pool ~ Bicycle ~ 5-Yo Yo~s ~ Rollerblades ~ Airplane models ~ and a Fort and because of shortage of time and space I choose to leave somethings off the list.~~~ Now any dimwitted fool can see why our children are


Meanwhile, back to MY Youth ~ I think thats how you spell it ~ I still have that 2 cents from the paper, bet you thought I forgot it, never forget money ~ too hard to come by.

We would make a trip to the neighborhood store to spend that hard earned money on candy and then we would sit in the alley and divvy it up ~~ (share that is)

Some nights we could stay out till 9 o`clock! ~ (in the summer that is) , we would get together and raid the different yards ~ ( for fruit that is).One night it would be Old Lady Henry`s apple tree ~ next night it might be Old Man Morgan`s grape vines and sit in the alley and eat till we got sick or had to scoot for the house to go to the necessary room and at times like that it was really necessary!


Say What??

Well ,it`s a game we used to play ~~ kinda expensive, but you might be able to afford it.

First, you have to get everything you need to play. One tin milk can~~ now for the hard part~~ a flat rock~~ A What??~~

(a flat rock that is!) Now we put the can on the flat rock.~~ Are you ready to play? Someone has to be "IT" first, that was usually lucky me. Now ,I close my eyes and count to 100,(by ones that is) you all run and hide.

When I get far enough from base(the flat rock & can that is) looking for you, one of you little devilish rascals dash in and kick the can off of that flat rock ~~~ and holler ~~HOME SHEEP RUN!!! ~~
If you kick the can off of the flat rock before I touch you, I`m "IT" again! Some unimaginative kids called this kick the can ~~ ugh! ~ Expensive game ~ but not ~~ BOORING!! ~~

Speaking of booring ~~ if your not totally by now (BOORED THAT IS) and you don`t care what you do with your time --- click on the brat after he loads ~

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