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Alexander James "A.J." McLean
Biographical Information

Full Name Alexander James McLean

Born January 9, 1978, West Palm Beach, Florida

Astrological Sign Capricorn

Nickname Bone

Pets 2 black and white Shitzus' named Panda and Bear

Pastimes Dancing, basketball, golf, bowling, writing poetry, shopping, shooting pool

Musical Instrument Bass Guitar

Favorite Color yellow

Favorite Food McDonalds

Favorite Movie Pulp Fiction

Favorite TV Show Seinfeld

Favorite Stars Dustin Hoffman & Geena Davis

Favorite Cologne Joop for Men

Favorite Foreign City Paris

Favorite School Subject English

His Ideal Lady "I like their eyes. Honestly. I know most guys would not agree with me, but the first thing that I look at is eyes. I have to look into her eyes because if I could look deep past those eyes it's like WOW ! And I like long hair. Short hair is just as nice, but I like long hair. I don't care if they are fat, skinny, tall, short"

Jobs Playing Dopey in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in grade school.

"Side Note" AJ is a puppeteer who worked on the Nickelodeon show Welcome Freshmen.

He's Most Likely to: Dare you to buy that crazy dress. His sense of style is outrageous.

goals To get a college degree.



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