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~*Hanson Stories and Stuff*~

Hey! Sorry Chapter 5 isn't up yet. I'm having huge writer's block, but I'm trying the best I can to write Chapter 5. I'll update other stuff, though, so be patient. Oh, and please please please please please please please sign the Guestbook!!!

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Ok, I read my guestbook and I saw that people had stuff to say about "Things I Never Want To See Hanson Do." The thing about "doing each other" is something that my friend wrote, and I guess I needed more items on the list, so I didn't delete it. The thing about "I never want to see Hanson" was the beginning of something to be added to the list, but I couldn't think of anything to write, and I accidentally forgot to delete it. This is the first time since, like, summer that I'm updating my page, so if I'm a little behind, sorry. I'm still not done Chapter 5 (I'm working on's almost done), but it should be up soon. Oh, and IKE AND ZAC ARE NOT GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
E-mail me, people!!!!!!! Not like I don't get enough mail as it is, but I want more! Thanx.

Ike Hanson lives here!!! He can live on your site too!!!

Tay Hanson lives here!!! He can live on your site too!!!

Zac Hanson lives here!!! He can live on your site too!!!

Avie Hanson lives here!!! She can live on your site too!!!

Scroll down so you see the very top of Mackie's head, then wait for the cute thing.

Mackie Hanson lives here!!! He can live on your site too!!!

Zoe Hanson lives here!!! She can live on your site too!!!

Cute, huh?

Links That Rule!

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Stories Page
Things I Never Want To See Hanson Do
About Me (like u care...ha!)
MaNdY's HoMePaGe!!!-my best friend, Mandy's, Hanson page
