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Dereklub -

The Klubhouse!

What's Dereklub?

Who's Derek?

Kool Links!

Join the Dereklub Newsletter!

B-I-B-L-E 10-10!

Coming Soon to Dereklub!

The Klubhouse Kernel!

This is where you can meet the animals and babies adopted by the Klubhouse!

This is our pet bird. We found him at a rivine. His name is Sylvester.

This is Joshua. You can e-mail him at He'll try to write back to you.

This is our pet rock. She makes a good paperweight. Her name is Zoey.

FINALLY! It's completed! This page is no longer under construction...for now. Of course there will somethng new every week though!

You are warmly invited to surf through the site. It is completely kid-friendly. Please feel free to email me by clicking on the mailbox or sign my guestbook below. God Bless!

Guestbook by GuestWorld

Check out my sister's homepage! Sarah's Fun Fair!

Have a look at my latest school project! Famous Females

Derek Ross is a proud Canadian citizen!

The awesomest youth group ever!


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