The Suffering Soul of Jesus Passes Through The Eye Of The Needle

The Tao Snake Cross

They shall not enter Paradise until
 The Camel shall pass through the Eye of a Needle
Quran 7:40


"For those that have denied and scorned Our revelations the gates of heaven shall not be opened;
nor shall they enter Paradise until the camel shall pass through the eye of a needle." 
Quran 7:40.

The Camel is the She-Camel of Thamud. Quran 7:73.
This special Camel is also referred to as the She-camel of Allah. Quran 91:13.

This She-Camel is an allegorical allusion to the suffering soul of Jesus.

How is it that the Camel passes through the eye of the needle?
And how is it that such a passing opens the gates of Paradise?

Is there an actual physical gate that Jesus passes through at his return that will bring about this opportunity for salvation? And perhaps, is there also another esoteric interpretation that relates more directly to his death.

It is at death when the silver cord is severed, and the soul passes through the eye of the needle.
The silver cord like a thread runs through the needle or spine of the body. "Remember him—before the silver cord is severed
" is a scriptural warning to remember your creator in the days of your youth before the time of death arrives. Ecclesiastes 12:6.

The silver cord being loosed is a reference to the soul being loosed from the body at the time of death. In this view, the camel passing through the eye of the needle can be a reference to the soul of Jesus being loosed at the death of his body.

How could the crucifixion of Jesus be like a camel passing through the eye of the needle?
see The She-Camel of Thamud: An Allegorical Allusion to Jesus and his Suffering

For those that have denied and scorned Our revelations the gates of heaven shall not be opened;
nor shall they enter Paradise until the camel shall pass through the eye of a needle.  Quran 7:40

Like a serpent on a cross, like a silver cord threading the spine in a body, like a silver cord still in the needle, we also bear our own cross as we carry the body with us. However, as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up," John 3:14-15. Like a she-camel through the eye of a needle, the suffering soul of Jesus and his crucifixion opens the gates of paradise.

While still on the cross Jesus says, "Today shalt thou be with me in paradise."  Luke 23:43

The death of the body of Jesus, and the loosing of his suffering soul opens the gates of Paradise.

 Look to God's she-camel: a sign for you. Look to the serpent on the pole. Look at the gates opening.
 Numbers 21:9
John 3:14 Qur'án 7:40,73


The She-Camel of Thamud:
An Allegorical Allusion to Jesus and His Suffering

Christ in the Quran:
The Injeel - Quran Connection

Will Hell Eventually Be Empty?
For How long Will Allah Almighty Punish Some of His Creation?

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