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Diego VELÁZQUEZ, The Supper at Emmaus, c. 1620

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Catholic Prayers—This site has several prayers texts, novenas and liturgies, as well as a number of great applications, including a downloadable Virtual Rosary and Stations of the Cross.
PalmPilot E-Texts For Catholics—Chris Wong's site is full of e-texts of books written by early church fathers, theologians, and Popes.
Pathway to Salvation—A personal site with a large collection of prayers, including prayers for the souls in purgatory and prayers to Saint Therese.
Virtual Rosary—This is the official site for Free Rosary software for all the major operating systems.

Catholic Canada Directory—The best collection of Canadian Roman Catholic resources, with more than one-thousand relevant links.
Catholic Exchange—Conservative Catholic portal with great news features, scripture studies, and free e-mail.
Catholic First—The Center for Catholic Classics, Information, News, the Church Fathers, Church Documents, Traditional Prayers and Devotions, Douay-Rheims Bible, Catechism, the Mass, Shopping and more....
Catholic Forum—Guide to Catholic sites on the Web, with chat rooms, discussion boards, and the best daily spiritual e-newsletter anywhere.
Catholic-Pages—A one-stop "homepage" with every thing Catholics need on a day-to-day basis: daily feasts, daily reflections, words of the day, daily rosary, the divine office, and a Web and document directory.
Catholic Room—Catholic news, inspirational stories, articles, and links presented by topics. This site is comprehensive and easy to navigate.
Christus Rex—An excellent reference for Catholic documents and art. It also has the "Our Father" in more than 1200 languages.
Doctors of the Catholic Church—A great resource for those wanting to know more about the extraordinary people who are the Church's 33 doctors.
Just Catholic—A directory that allows users to rate sites and leave comments. Visitors can also visit a Catholic store and receive free e-mail.
New Advent—One of the most comprehensive Catholic sites on the Web. It features the Catholic Encyclopedia, a comprehensive links section, and an almost complete library of Catholic writings (by the church and early church fathers).
PetersNet—Grades Catholic sites according to criteria such as fidelity to Church teaching, frequency of updates, amount of resources, and appearance. Great if you want to know the "catholicity" of a site.
The Catholic Goldmine—More than 3,000 links on all things Catholic, including apparitions, papal statements, bishops' statements, Catholic prayers, pro-life resources, vocation information, and religious orders.
The Catholic Liturgical Library—A site full of information about the Liturgy: official documents and guidelines, questions and answers about liturgical issues and abuses, and Catholic liturgical music.
The Monks of Adoration—This Catholic megasite, with an immense directory, is run by a contemplative order whose charism includes the Internet.
Totally Catholic Links Directory—A simple, quick way to find the Catholic site you're looking for. Links categorized by subject, newest additions listed first.
Vatican—Need I say more?

Catholic Answers—Contains a large number of pamphlet style questions and answers about the Faith, as well as a RealAudio archive of all of their daily one-hour talkback Catholic radio programs.
Catholic Outlook—Dubbed "A Protestant's Guide to the Catholic Church," this site offers simple, easy to understand explanations for why Catholics believe what they believe. Catholics can learn a thing or two here.
Catholics United for the Faith—CUF is an international lay organization dedicated to proclaiming and teaching the Catholic Faith.
Defenders of the Catholic Faith—The online home of apologist Steve Ray ("Crossing the Tiber"). Features Steve's writings, study sheets, a book store, and a message board.
Institute of Applied Biblical Studies—The official Web site of Dr. Scott Hahn, famous author and apologist.
Scripture Catholic—This site provides over 2,000 Scripture citations from the Old and New Testament that explain and defend the teachings of the Catholic Church.

Catholic Press Association—Presents links to magazines, diocesan newspapers, newsletters, foreign language publications, advertising network, freelance journalists, and much more.
Envoy—A very hip magazine of Catholic apologetics and evangelization led by renowned apologist and editor Patrick Madrid.
EWTN—Worldwide Catholic Radio and Television, available on the Net as well. This site also features huge document libraries and galleries and free online prayer cards.
Living His Life Abundantly—Sharing the love of Jesus through many different media, including the Abundant Life TV and Radio programs and the Moments of truth radio program.
This Rock—This Rock is a magazine of apologetics and evangelization, with particular emphasis on the scriptural, historical, and rational grounds for Catholic teachings.

Bible Gateway—Easily the best bible search on the Net, with the ability to look up words, phrases, concepts, and verses in eleven different bible translations and numerous languages.
Catechism of the Catholic Church—The entire document is available online at Christus Rex.

Other Catholic Links
ANIA2002—An Ignatian Pilgrimage in Association with World Youth Day 2002. I built this site as well.
Jesuits of English Canada—My uncle is a Jesuit in this province. The Web site is very well done.
World Youth Day 2002—The official site for World Youth Day 2002 in Toronto. See you there.