Tuesday, September 16, 2003
Well, I didn't think I'd keep a blog or a website open this long. Now, I'm changing both the address and the blog itself. Eventually, once I figure out how to do it well, this will be migrated over. But for now, I'm starting a new blog (its still under construction) and a new website at http://www.purplepen.org. I am extemely excited.
kate mumbled this at 3:03:57 PM |

Sunday, September 14, 2003
Lindsay asked on her blog that she wanted to know why "should my family have to pay taxes for my death?"
kate mumbled this at 7:56:26 PM |

Wednesday, September 10, 2003
I'm back...Kinda
So I've been insanely busy at work. Luckily I love my job, but I wanted to say a few things.

-First, kudos to Steve Rabin. Read the Franken book for details. Steve is now officially my hero. Even if he disses on Dean.
-Dean is still cool.
-I got peacefrogs for my car. More on that soon enough.
-The boys are back in town...and the girls - such a shift in friends recently.
-I don't like being a doormat at work. Stupid ACE. I shouldng be ACEing unless everyone else is ACEing.
-Steve Rabin continues to be my hero.
-I've been making nothing but "your mom" jokes for like a week.
-I'm all done demo rounds :) yay - slid out of two of them and had fun in one of them
-I love living with Jessa and Gorgo - Steve Rabin (my hero) and the book helped me to pay my rent creatively.
-Bernie keeps asking at trivia when UMBC I is. Yay dinos.
-I need to redesign this page. At least play with the code.

back to work. stupid ttwa3016M.

kate mumbled this at 4:09:04 PM |



Lazy Sandals for Summer
still with the lazy sandals, except this time its 97 degrees...at least its stopped raining...wet sandals suck