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Zazen Karate Academy - Kissaki-Kai Karate-Do International

Personal Protection Programmes

Our Team of qualified Instructors offer programmes to suit all needs. Each programme aims to provide students with a fast-track introduction to effective skills in personal protection.

2-Hour Introductory workshop

Compulsory to progress to level 1

Introduction to basic principles of personal safety; awareness, personal space, flinch response and more!

£30 per person
A maximum of 20 students
Level 1: 4-hour programme

Compulsory to progress to level 2

A programme aimed at developing environmental awareness, body language and confidence. We look extensively at response to grabs and hand attacks, body positioning for maximum effect and more!

£60 per person
A maximum of 12 students
Level 2: 4-hour programme
Continues to develop the principles of level 1 and looks at protection from the ground, knife defence, scenario training and more!
£60 per person
  A maximum of 12 students

2-hour refresher course

For students who have completed level 1 and level 2 and would like the opportunity to refine their skills!
£30 per person
  A maximum of 12 students


If you would like to arrange for one of our intstructors to teach a seminar/protection program at your dojo please contact us for details


If you have any queries please don't hesitate to Contact us

| ©2006 Don Came