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First off part one: I actually spent the time to sit down at 3:20 in the AM to write this, and actually DEAL with angelfire (which sucks so badly) so it means I'm pretty fucking pissed. I am tired of people screaming at me for shit they 1. Don't understand. 2. Understand but blame everyone else for being intolerant, yet are intolerant when someone doesen't agree with them. GROW UP.

First off part two: I don’t like Bush. I voted Badnarik this election. So I’m not a supporter, I’m just fair.

First off part three: I want to thank all of you so called “Good Americans,” That jump on the liberal bandwagon to demonize anyone who didn’t vote for John Kerry this election. After successfully screaming, yelling, and taunting every non-Kerry supporter you have encountered, you successfully emphasized your fairness and willingness to be fair and tolerant to other people’s opinions. Pathetic.

I am so sick and tired of you. You seem to have some knowledge of a political system and issues, whereas you think something because you hear it on MTVU. If you are so concerned with the well-being of our country, then listen up:

This “Illegal” Iraq war. First off: The UN has no authority over the United States. Hold on. I don’t think I said that loud enough. THE UN HAS NO AUTHORITY OVER THE UNITED STATES. NONE. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IS A SOVERIGN BODY UNDER ARTICLE TWELVE OF THE GEVENEVA CONVENTION. THERE IS A TREATY WHICH SAYS THAT THE US IS IT’S OWN GOVERNING BODY AND HAS NO HIGHER AUTHORITY THAN IT. That means Koffi Annan can do nothing but ask us not to do something. If we say no, he can accept it or not, but he hasn't the slightest legal authority over us whatsoever. None. They can choose not to accociate with us, and exclude us from trade if they don't agree with us, but that would only be economic suicide for their country. Now that you know this, I would recommend you understand it. Now: Go to google. Look up: UN resolution 1441. Read it. It states that if Saddamn didn’t turn over WMD’s then the world invades. He didn’t turn anything up. When the time to invade came, everyone crapped out besides the US and Great Britain. Even IF the UN had the authority to tell us what to, assume they do for one second. IF THEY HAD THE AUTHORITY TO TELL US WHAT TO DO, WE STILL WOULDN'T BE FIGHTING AN ILLEGAL WAR BECAUSE THE UN FUCKING VOTED TO GO TO WAR. 1441. AGAIN. 1441. READ THE FUCKING RESOLUTION. JESUS! Now because of it, everyone else says that the world hates us and has no respect for us and we are killing innocent Iraqis. Get this: Saddamn killed more Iraqis in a month than we have accidentally or intentionally during this entire war. And the rest of the world didn’t seem to pre-occupied with coming to the aid of the Iraqi people before the war, so why is everyone so bleeding heart now? Do you really know why? I bet not. Because probably none of you have ever done any RESEARCH. I mean go to the Library, check out the state department records. FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT, books, statistics. You’ll find the following: Under the Clinton administration BILLIONS upon BILLIONS upon BILLIONS of dollars was given to foreign countries. Countries such as: France, Germany, Russia. France had ILLEGAL contracts with Iraq. So did Russia. Where do you think all of the Weaponry the Iraqi rebellion runs on comes from? Russia and France. Now that Saddam is gone, what do you think happens to those agreements and those contracts? Who pays France and Russia back for their dirty arms deals they sent Saddam? Saddem recieves, lets say, 25,000 Kalishnov AK-47's, and some French FN rifles. Now they are delivered, France and Russia want their money. But now that Saddamn is gone, they don't get paid, so they get pissed and scream and yell about the United States invading and destroying and killing and maiming. This is about MONEY. ABOUT NOTHING BUT MONEY. NOTHING BUT COLD, HARD, CASH. When Bush got to office, he found no reason why billions of tax dollars should be going to other countries in Aid programs. He cut them. NOW the rest of the world doesn’t have the US bankrolling them anymore. So they get pissed. And start saying we are tyrants, and we are terrible people. If the world really cared about war, you would have thought people would have had an issue when Clinton went to Kosovo. Funny, on April 20th, the day that holds the record for the most bombs being dropped anywhere at anytime in the history of Mankind in a single 24hr period, I can’t recall a protest in NYC regarding our Foreign policy. Yes the world hates us, because we no longer pay for them, and make them work for their own cash. There is no world "welfare" anymore. We simply told other countries essentially: "If you wanna get rich, get a job."

Ever heard of something called the EU? Yes/No? It stands for the “European Union.” This is an organization of countries which give up their sovereignty (independence) to a greater body which unites them. They have become the main economic competitor against the United States in the world market. Ironically, they all are members of the United Nations, some of which are in the U.N Security Council. When they VOTE for something as each nation gets one vote, they tend to vote in the best interests of the E.U and their nations. Why? Not because they are on some moralistic power trip, but because if the U.S. takes a hit, the E.U picks up the slack. Whatever is bad for the United States is good for them. If they look bad, people trade with them instead of us. This isn’t about Morals, or the right thing to do, it’s about GREED. PLAIN AND SIMPLE. If France actually cared about Saddamn before, they would have said something.

As far as the Arab World goes, honestly speaking, if you think that the Arab World actually gives a flying fuck about what happens in Iraq you are on drugs. News flash: Most of the Middle East HATES one another. They share a same RELIGION…sorta…(there are a lot of different sects of Islam. And most of them don’t like one another.) Iraq and Iran HATED each other. Saudi Arabia hates both of them. Syria and Lebanon are too busy in their own power struggle and dominance over each other (Syria influences Lebanese politics), and Jordan doesn’t give a fuck. Iran is too busy trying to make nuclear weapons, Pakistan is too busy hunting terrorists, as is Saudi Arabia. Notice the fact that both those countries have been bombed lately by Islamofascist terrorists, instead of the U.S. Yemen and the rest of the Gulf States are too small to make a difference. No. The Arab World is not uniting against the US. They don’t care enough too or are too busy fixing their own fucking problems to care.

For those of you that worry about American Security and safety with Bush in office, I ask you: Why? Ever since 9/11 how many terrorist attacks have we had save some white power in an envelope. Not 1. And you better believe they are trying. So far I think Bush has a good track record on that. It’s hard to beat a perfect record. And as far as Kerry is concerned, he would force the U.S. to go and bow down to the U.N which would remove U.S. Authority over U.S. Issues. Not good.

Boys and Girls, what you just read is pure 100% truth. Just because CNN doesn’t say it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.

And as far as domestic issues? What happens inside the US is not really dictated by the president. The congress dictates it. The president does almost NOTHING domestically. So even if Kerry won, the congress is republican controlled as well as the house. Any legislation that the republicans don’t want, won’t pass. Jesus Christ could be president, and if the law isn’t liked by conservatives, it’s going down the tubes. Nothing about this presidential election can change that. All that the president can do is say “yes” or “no” to a law. He can’t make one.

Now that you have an Idea what you are talking about, you can stop bitching at me about ‘facts’ that you have been misinformed on. If you want to debate or chat or talk to me, i'm open. I dont mind it. But don't fucking scream at me. This lesson is free. If I get one more person coming to me and screaming at me about this political bullshit and screaming to high hell about Bush when they don’t even know what they are talking about will get another lesson. This one is in martial arts. The lesson is free but the hospital bills are your problem.