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Wedgie Stories
These stories were taken fromWorld Wide Wedgie

Belt Through the Door
This particular story takes place when my friend Mark and I were 12 and his brother Jim was 10. Their dad was changing the doorknob on the back door to their garage but the new knob didn't work right so he left to go get another one. Their mom was doing laundry in the basement. Mark told me a plan he had to do something to his brother and thought it sounded pretty good so we set out to do it. We called Jim over and talked him into putting on one of his dad's belts, which wasn't too hard because Jim just wanted to be included. After he had the belt on (pulled tight so that it had a long end hanging off, which Jim tucked into his jeans) we spontaneously decided to go outside via the back door to the garage. Their was just a hole where the knob usually is and a deadbolt that you could lock from the inside without a key. Once we were just outside the door I put Jim in a full nelson and Mark grabbed the belt out of his pants. He then slid the belt through the door knob hole and went inside holding onto the end of the belt. When he was in he turned the deadbolt so the door wouldn't open. My job was to push Jim up against the door and hold him flush against so that his belt buckle was as close to the knob as possible. This turned out to be hard because I had to lift Jim up a few inches while I pushed him against the door. Meanwhile, Mark was pulling the belt as hard as he could on the other side. He then put a small board up over the door knob hole and wrapped the belt tightly around it, tying it off at the back of the wood so that you couldn't reach through from the outside to untie it. Mark yelled out OK and I let go of Jim. Jim was on his tiptoes and his jeans were pulled up slightly giving him a bit of a melvin, I'm sure. He struggled, but he couldn't move his body more than an inch at the point the belt went inside. Mark came running around back and we had a good laugh. (Jim is also the very best person to do this kind of thing to. He'll get mad and embarrassed and beg to be let go, and struggle for a long time, basically demean himself in anyway to get free, but he only cried one time in all of the hundreds of rotten things we did to him.) Jim was struggling and begging for us to let him go, saying he would tell his mom, etc. Mark was, of course, not content yet. He needed to torture his brother more so he told Jim that if he wasn't free in five minutes, he was going to get a wedgie. So, for the next few minutes (We didn't have any way to check the time outside) Jim struggled even harder and tried to talk his way out. He failed, of course and so Mark walked up to him pulled his white briefs up to his shoulders, held them their for a second, and then let go. Jim stood their trying to pick the wedgie for the next ten minutes or so when we let him go because we say their dad coming.

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At one camp that I went too, I was constantly able to wake up early in the morning, and since my friends did not have watches, or alarm clocks, I soon became the group's alarm clock, who would wake up people on their request. Anyway, one evening, a certain person whom I had been dying to wedgie asked that I wake him up at 6:30 the next morning. I knew this might be my only chance to catch this kid by surprise(as he could probably pound me to the ground), so I agreed. Well, 6:30 came, and I went over to his tent to find him in the perfect position for a wedgie. I crawled into the back of the tent and stood beside him, trying to stay as quiet as I could so that he would not wake up. I grabbed his elastic, and saw his head jerk up reallllly fast. Out of surprise I cried "WHOA" and pulled as quickly as I could. However, I was too Late, he had already risen up and I felt my body being flung to the other side of the tent. I landed on a person relatively new to our group, who obviously woke up right away. Since there was someone else awake, I was lucky, the kid who I had just unsuccessfully wedgied only pounds people in private, so I was saved. He has yet to get me back, so I assume he's forgotten about it.