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Wedgie Stories
These stories were taken fromWorld Wide Wedgie

Wish I Saw the Whole Thing
I was out camping with my dad's friend's son Chris. His older brother was being an ass so I promised I would get him back when he was asleep so I pretended to go to sleep and Chris went to sleep and so did his older brother. So I woke Chris up and told him what I was going to do. I got some super glue and glued up his zipper and the button on his jeans (They were so tight I could barely button them back up) so when he woke up he would pee on himself. Well I was just about to go to sleep when Chris got this look in his eyes. He explained to me his idea, he was going to give his brother a wedgie and he wouldn't be able to pick it out because his pants were so tight. I said no because I didn't want him to wake up, but he insisted. So he gave him the wedgie and he said "Billy that's how you plan to get me back, Oh wait that's Chris, Well I'll get you back when I wake up" and he didn't even try to pick it out. Then at 6:00 my dad picked me up before Chris's brother even woke up. I said damn to myself. But I still got him back and he thought it was Chris.

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