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Wedgie Stories
These stories were taken fromWorld Wide Wedgie

Wedgie Pro's First Wedgie
I was about 9 years old too. I was at my uncle's house with my cousin Joey standing near. We decided to play monopoly. I put the entire place on the bored with my butt up in the air. I asked Joey what he wanted to be he said he wanted to be the shoe. I said ok and turned around to place it on the board. As I bent over he grabbed my elastic on my briefs. He picked me up way over his head and jiggled me around a little. I could here the underwear starting to rip when he put me on the ground. He told me if I moved he put the underwear over my head. I decided to take his advice and not move! When he came back he had a roll of tape in his hands. He stood on my feet and lifted my undies as high as they would go. When they were at full extent he taped my cheeks together. Then her turned me around and gave me a major Melvin. He then pour ice down my underwear and taped the bottom and top closed until the ice melted. Then when he took off the taped he gave me an atomic wedgie and wouldn't let me pick it. Then he took me pants and pushed me out side on the hottest day of the year where when ever I sweated the front of my underwear became see through. I didn't have any pants on either. When I finally got inside I was given a Melvin and then my pants back. Man how many wedgies and Melvins in 1 day!

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