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Wedgie Stories
These stories were taken fromWorld Wide Wedgie

Wedgie Exodus
Here is the 2nd entry of my wedgie experience. Now that my interest in wedgies had been created at the YMCA day camp, it was time to evangelize. My next opportunity came but a few months after I had witnessed the incidents with Brian and Adam. I was at my grandmother's house, when I found my first ever wedgie victim, a 3rd grader, my cousin, whom for name purposes I will call Adam (not the same Adam as from day camp.) Anyway, he was short, and skinny, a bit of a roughhouser, which increased his wedgie potential; and one day that summer, my grandmother left us alone in the house, me in charge. So, I worked to get Adam as riled- up as I possibly could, by challenging him to a wrestling match. without hesitation, Adam accepted my challenge. we goofed off for about 5 minutes, I'd toss him this way, let him think he was getting an upper hand, only to fling his small body to the other side of the room. Finally, the time came. I pinned him down, with his belly facing the floor, and held him down with one hand (he was so small that I didn't need to sit on him). I pulled back his shirt, which was already untucked, and grabbed his fruit of the loom briefs - and gave a good hard yank. That one of a kind expression came on his face, sort of saying 'what in god's name was that???', so, after getting up to about his mid-back, I explained to him that he had just received a wedgie, he sort of acknowledged it, and asked for more. We wrestled for about another 15 minutes, and every 5 min. he'd get another huge wedgie from me. This continued until Adam was in about the 5th grade, and even though he outwardly showed distaste toward the countless wedgies he received, I am sure that somewhere inside, he was just asking for one more...

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