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Wedgie Stories
These stories were taken fromWorld Wide Wedgie

Treehouse Slide Wedgie
This was in sixth grade back when wedgies and wet/willies were the thing. I was in the tree house and we were all taking turns down the slide. All of us 6th graders were going down the slide head first, thinking we were all badass. So anyway, I was about third in line to go down this slide when two eighth graders came up into the Treehouse and cut in front of all the people behind me. They tried to cut in front of me, but I decided I would be defiant and I gave one of them a shove. There was an exchange of words (I don't remember exactly what), and they ended up cutting in front of me anyway. Then came my turn to go down the slide. I went down the slide thinking I was sooo cool going down headfirst but when I reached the bottom the eighth graders had a little surprise for me. As I slipped down the slide, both of the older guys grabbed me. One slipped my shirt over my head and grabbed my arms, while the other straddled my back and grabbed my white Fruit of the Looms. The guy holding my underwear then gave me a bunch of jerky, bouncy wedgies, and maybe two minutes of a straight out yanker. I remember sand was flying in my face and I couldn't really tell exactly what was going on. I finally was able to stand up and I started throwing punches like a madman. I got one of the kids in the chin, but most of the other punches missed and I ended up getting a black eye and a cut lip. The playground supervisors broke us up very quickly and we were sent to the Dean's office. Back then I would always cry when confronted by the Dean, and I was bawling as she called my parents and told them that I had been fighting. The bullies and I ended up having to sit in ISS (In School Suspension) for one week and that was that.

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