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Wedgie Stories
These stories were taken fromWorld Wide Wedgie

The Stairs Parade
This was one of Mark's wedgies that he would give Jim occasionally. In case you haven't figured it out, Mark is really good at coming up with some creative wedgies. No one else was ever involved in this one except as a cheering section, but let me explain. Every once in a while, usually when there were a lot of kids at around (and NO parents) Mark would walk up behind Jim give him a slight wedgie and order him to walk upstairs (or downstairs depending where he got him). If Jim disobeyed at any point Mark would lift him off the ground by his briefs (which he was strong enough to do, but only for about 2 seconds). When they got to a stairway going up Mark would start going up it backwards still holding on to Jim's underwear. Jim would walk up backwards one step down from Mark, and at every step, Mark would pull up on Jim so that he would be standing on his tiptoes for a few seconds. Of course, if Jim tried anything, Mark would walk him back downstairs and lift him off the ground there, so they'd have to start all over. when they got to the top, they would walk back down, Jim first and still getting a wedgie. they would then walk across the house to the other staircase (Jim getting a slight wedgie the whole walk). This would continue until they had been on all 3 floors and returned to where it all started. Most of the time we would only know this wedgie was happening when we would see them walking by. We would clap and cheer like you would at any parade, and then wait for them to come around again. Sometimes, Jim would be very resistant and Mark just didn't have the strength to keep picking him up off the ground, so he would give Jim and even worse wedgie which is, of course, another story.

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