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Wedgie Stories
These stories were taken fromWorld Wide Wedgie

The Never Ending Wedgie
I was at Jake's house one day because my parents were out of town. His family and ours have always been friends. However, Jake is 17 and I'm only 14. I weigh 130 and he weighs 190. To make it worse, his parents would be gone for a few hours that day, leaving us alone. When the parents left, we were watching TV, and pro wrestling was on. He kept on telling me that he could do whatever they did. I finally asked him to prove it. He took of his shirt to show me his muscles and then he got into his tear away pants to look like some of the wrestlers. When he started doing the moves, it was O.K. because they were simple but then it came. In case you don't watch WWF, there is this fat guy named Rikishi that will shove his a$$ in your face while wearing a thong. Jake then did this to me but had no thong so he went naked. His next move was a body-slam that almost knocked me out. When he saw that I was tired, he picked me up and put my head between his thighs. I thought this was for wrestling but I was wrong. He gave me a wedgie that went up to my upper back. Then, he continued to pull for what seemed like an hour and when my boxers got over my forehead, he stopped. But he first tied my hands together behind my back. He left me like this for a while until he had regained his strength. He was now trying to shove me into a pillowcase. When he got so tired and realized it wouldn't work, he was sweating a lot. He laid me down on the floor and shoved his pits in my face. (Remember that I still have the atomic wedgie.) Finally, he stops and just puts me on the sofa and sits on me. This is much better than before I must say. He did fart a few times but that's OK. All of a sudden, his dad came home. His mom wasn't home though. When his dad heard all that was done to me, he told Jake to get up. Then, the dad went to another room and came back looking like a wrestler; he was even in spandex. He was extremely muscular and weighed around 230. I couldn't believe it, I was about to be tortured by an adult. He came over, put his butt in my face, and ripped one. It was worse than Jake's farts. He grabbed my wedgie and pulled it all the way around my chin! I was now blinded and the dad sat on my face. All I was hoping was that he wouldn't fart. I was wrong he wouldn't stop; he could do it whenever he wanted to. After about an hour of torture with the dad, the dad got up and Jake got on. Jake just sat on my face and farted for an hour and then they both let me go. That had to be my worst torture experience. Not only by Jake, but by a grown adult.

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