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Wedgie Stories
These stories were taken fromWorld Wide Wedgie

The Lap Sitters
When I was in high school, I volunteered as a camp counselor for a few weeks each summer. As anyone who has been a camp counselor knows, after the first few days of the kids getting to know you, for the rest of the camp session the kids are clamoring to be the one climb on your shoulders while swimming, sit next to you during lunch, hold your hand on a field trip, or sit on your lap whenever you're sitting down. As far as lap sitting goes, for little kids it's fine, maybe 6- or 7-year-olds and younger, but when you start having 11- and 12-year-olds trying to sit on your lap it starts to be a bit annoying, especially when a few of them are pushing 100 pounds. During the summer I was 18, I was working in the Swimming Camp and most of my kids were younger, 4th grade and lower, but there was this Adventure Camp that had 5th and 6th graders, and although I wasn't a counselor of their group, we had enough crossover activities that these kids knew me pretty well by the middle of summer. Well, I don't remember their names anymore, but one day there was one 11-year-old and one 12-year-old who were the most aggressive about sitting on my lap -- one would set himself down, then get shoved off by the other, who would then claim rights to my lap, then they would wrestle a bit, and the one who lost his balance first would end up on the floor and the 'winner' on my lap. They were so hyper that they wouldn't just gently sit down, instead they would kind of jump on me, so much, so that once or twice I nearly got knocked out of my chair. For awhile it was amusing to just let them go at it, but after a few times of having 100 pounds of spastic energy suddenly plop down on my lap I felt it was time for a little wedgie action.... You know the drill: Get the kids to understand they _deserve_ a wedgie, even though it's a situation you're actually encouraging -- then you can indulge in your wedgie-giving urge without being a simple bully. Am I devious or what??? "OK guys, that's enough -- you're too big to be sitting in my lap!" "No we're not!" "Yes you are!" "No we're not!!" I stayed sitting down hoping they would continue to try to sit on my lap, and of course, I wasn't disappointed. Now instead being against each other, they were both against me. The 11-year-old rushed over and sat on my lap again, so I pushed him off, and at that moment the 12-year-old got on my lap and I pushed him off -- they're both laughing and having a grand old time, and after a few times of going back and forth I fended them both off and said "The next person who gets on my lap is going to get a wedgie!" They started howling "Ahhhh! I hate wedgies!" and I said "Well, then..." but the looks on their faces made it clear that they weren't done yet. By now I was anticipating how I was going to get a hold of the back of their underwear, and noticed the 11-year-old was wearing these snug jeans, I think they were Lee or Wrangler or something, I just remember they weren't Levis, and the 12-year-old had on these baggy painter-style jeans. The 11-year-old tried first. He ran over and tried to sit on my lap, but I grabbed him across the waist before he had a chance, bent him over my lap, reached down the back of his jeans, got a hold of his briefs, and started to hike. "EEEeeeeee!!!" he squeaked, prone across my lap, face down, one arm wrapped around my leg, the other hand grasping my hand gripping his underwear. At the initial hike the band of his briefs was barely 2 inches above the waist of his jeans, but his jeans were so tight that I knew he wasn't really getting a wedgie yet, so I started hiking a little more, sort of in rhythm, hike, hike, hike, a little higher each time, until the band was maybe 1/2 way up his back. One last hike and I knew the really wedgie hit home, he yelped and got all tense and I let go and let him roll off my lap onto the floor. As an added bonus, I decided to grab a hold of one of his feet so he couldn't leave the room to fix his wedgie. For the next few minutes he lay there on his back, struggling to pick his wedgie out, the whole time complaining that he can't get it out, he can't get it out, let him go because he can't get it out.... When I finally let go of the 11-year-old's foot, I looked up and saw the 12-year-old just standing there enjoying the show. When he saw me looking at him he got all nervous and looked like he was about to run for the door. I said, "Aren't you going to try to sit on my lap again?" and he said, "No!" and I said, "Why not?" and he said, "Because I don't want a wedgie!" and I said, "Your friend got one, " and he didn't say anything, and I said "Should I give you one anyway?" and the 11-year-old who was still lying on the ground trying to fix his wedgie yelled "Yeah! His turn for a wedgie!!" and I said, "You know, I think you sat on my lap enough to deserve a wedgie, what do you say?" and he just smiled and didn't say anything but didn't run away, so I got up and grabbed him and spun him around and got a hold of his briefs with one hand. He made a token effort to get away, but for the most part just stood there as I gave him a one-handed wedgie. He was so passive that I wanted to get _some_ kind of reaction out of him, so then I grabbed his briefs with my other hand and started giving him a 2-handed bouncing wedgie and finally got the "Ahhhhhh!!" that I always find so satisfying, by now his briefs were 3/4 up his back, and finally let him go, and when he turned around his face was all red but he was laughing, trying to fix his wedgie, which he had a little easier time of since he could reach right down the back of his pants and pick away. They calmed down after that, and for the rest of the day whenever they started acting up again all I had to do was say "You guys, settle down, otherwise I just might have to give you another wedgie, " silently hoping they would continue, but alas it was not to be, they settled down immediately. After that day I never got another chance to give either of them a wedgie again, though I continued to use the technique on other kids for the next two years.

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