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Wedgie Stories
These stories were taken fromWorld Wide Wedgie

The Bachelor Party Wedgie
As most of you already know, on November 22, Julie and me got married. What most of you do not know is what happened the weekend before we got married. The some of guys at work got together and decided to throw me a bachelor party. This was not the usual bachelor party; this was going to be a portable or mobile bachelor party. The plan was to rent a van and leave work at the end of the day on Friday and not get back until about 6:00 AM the following morning. The first stop on our trip was to be the casinos in Tunica, Mississippi. This was mainly for other people in the group. I have never gambled before and have never been too interested in giving my money away for nothing. But one of the guys in the group really loved to gamble so we went. The other reason for going there was so that another guy could tell his wife that we were going to Tunica and not mention where we where going afterwards and still not be lying to his wife. That guy ran into some money problems and wound up not going anyway. I played the slots a little bit, made about forty bucks, and quit after that. I mean, how lucky can I be anyway. The real gambler with us jackpotted a machine and won $625. He said, "Don't worry boys, tonight is my treat." Now this guy normally plays all his winnings right back into the casino, so we really had to drag him out of there. He only lost $200 between there and the door. (He thanked us later.) After that, it was on to the real purpose of the trip. Memphis! Now when I say Memphis, I really mean Tiffany's. Tiffany's is (to put it nicely) is a gentleman's club. A place of adult entertainment; where for a price, the ladies will pretend to "like" you. And for a higher price, will pretend to love you. Now don't get me wrong, there is no prostitution going on here, (that I am aware of), just a high class, clean, fancy strip club. They get naked on stage and for table dances and I won't go into the details on the lap dances upstairs. I also saw in an advertisement in the Memphis Flyer that they claim to be the Bachelor Party Specialists. Well now that got me curious. I checked around and I had two different people tell me the exact same story. Both of these guys both claimed to have seen this for themselves. And it goes something like this..... What they do is get you up on the stage and sit you down in a chair. The guy is supposed to be trying to talk you out of getting married and just all around make fun of you. The rule is that you are to hold on to the arms of the chair and if you ever let go, it's all over. But you can do whatever you want to with your face. At this point, about a dozen ladies come out and one at a time, they strip down and crawl all over you. After they all do that one at a time, then they do it all at the same time. Uhhhh..... okay. I can handle that. I can't really say that I've ever had a whole flock of naked ladies crawling all over me before. So, if that is what is supposed to happen, then I am definitely curious. But one little detail; that is not how they do it anymore. It goes a little more like this now days........ First, the little smart-alecky guy called me out of the crowd and up on the stage where a chair is waiting. The whole time, he is really insulting me; and I mean really insulting me! After a little bit of this, he gives me a choice of what's behind door #1 or door #2. Well door #1 was at the top of the stairs that led down to the stage where we were at; and at the top of the stairs, I could see a group of ladies. Door #2 was a door on the wall that had an exit sign on it. So I did this little boy act thing and meekly pointed at door #1. That's when he called all the girls down. I think there were forty of them (that number is sticking in my mind for some reason) and they were all wearing these skimpy little slut costumes. They make a big circle around me about three people thick and the whole time, the little announcer dude is still making fun of me for getting married and giving up all this. Yea, right! After a little bit of this, he sics them on me. First thing they do is they push me down into the seat and proceed to undress me (or so it seems). Two of them are taking off my shirt. One takes my glasses. And one of them starts taking off my belt (uh oh). Then a couple of them starts tugging at my underwear (double uh oh). Now one thing you need to understand here is that we all left straight from work for all this, so I was still wearing my dress clothes: Dockers, long sleeve dress shirt, and boxers. Within the last few years, everyone seems to be interested in whether certain people wear boxers or briefs. Well, I'm a boxer person. And not just plain boxers, but fancy and unusual ones. This particular night I happened to be wearing my Tabasco boxers that had the little Tabasco brand symbols and little red pepper symbols all over them. Like I was saying, the girls started pulling up on my underwear and when they had them just a few inches above the belt line, they started to tear holes in them with that little latch thing part of the belt buckle that they had just taken off of me. After they got two good size tears started just under the elastic band, that's when they really started pulling. I don't mean just a little tugging; I mean pulling! Yanking! They literally pulled my underwear off of me by pulling them over my head giving me the ultimate wedgie. Actually, all they got was the band which one of them made into a headband and put on me. The rest of my underwear was hanging out of the top of my pants in great big shreds or else crammed up in me so far that I just about squeaked. I looked like some big dorky shirtless flower.

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