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Wedgie Stories
These stories were taken fromWorld Wide Wedgie

Team Wedgie War
I was at my friend Mike's house again and there were 2 other people there. There was Nick, from the last wedgie war, and Charley. In case you don't remember, here are our heights and weights: ME-5'8" 130lbs.; MIKE-5'10" 165lbs.; NICK-5'11" 190lbs.; and CHARLEY-5'11" 210lbs. As you can see, I'm easily the smallest one there. We decided to have a wedgie war and that it should be a team war. We all put our names in a hat, except for Mike, and Mike drew one out. It was Charley. This meant that it would be Nick and I vs. Mike and Charley. The war would last 2 hours and for the first hour, I faced Mike and the second hour I faced Charley. Nick faced the other one that I didn't. The first hour went like this. Mike charged at me and managed to get me on the ground where he turned me over and pulled my boxers up to my upper back. When he got off, I got behind him and gave him one. This went back and forth for a while until he got me on the floor and sat on my back. I couldn't move and he gave me a wedgie to my neck, then he flipped me over, sat on my stomach and gave me a Melvin followed by a wedgie on each side. He held me like this for 5 minutes when the first hour was done. Mike had beaten me and Nick and Charley had tied. The second hour was a lot worse. I was facing Charley. Right when the time began, he had me on the ground and sat on me. This was bad enough! Then he picked me off the ground, put my head between his thighs, and gave me a piledriver wedgie. Before he let me go, he bent his knees all the way so it was like he was sitting on my head. After the first half-hour, I was getting killed. When there were five minutes left, Charley grabbed me and put my face into his armpit, reached his arm over my head and grabbed my boxers and gave me a wedgie. He called this move a "stinker". When time was up, I had lost to Charley and Nick had beaten Mike. Our team lost so our punishment was that Charley gave me and Nick a "double stinker", both at the same time. Since Mike lost to Nick, Nick got to sit on Mike for a half-hour. Charley did this to me since I lost to him. Since Mike beat me, he put me into his dirty laundry and wouldn't let me out for an hour! I think he was planning this because almost all of the laundry was boxers and sweaty undershirts.

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