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Wedgie Stories
These stories were taken fromWorld Wide Wedgie

Another Sleepover with Some Revenge
We got out of school earlier than most schools for the Christmas break, so I've already been to a sleepover at Dan's house. It was a one-night sleepover this time, Wednesday morning to Thursday morning. This time it was (in order of size), Dan, AJ, Me and Bob (we're the same size), and Mike. (If you don't know who Bob is, he's my wedgie buddy). I didn't get any wedgies at all during the day, but I did get partial revenge on Dan. Bob and me snuck up behind Dan while he was making lunch and got his boxers up to his shoulder blades, then we ran away. After dinner, though, it was a completely different story. Dan made a bet with us: he bet us that he, AJ, and Mike would be able give us both atomic wedgies, front and back, with a few side wedgies thrown in, all at the same time. The price: any wedgie of choice for as long as we wanted. In other words, if they won, then they already got to see us have atomic wedgies, and if we won, we could do whatever we wanted. However, if we tried to escape our wedgies, then Dan would perform a special wedgie on us. Well, we didn't think that they would be able to, so we told them that we would accept their challenge and willingly get wedgied by them. Dan's dad has a lot of muscle in his hip area, so he does have … generously proportioned underwear. Dan got four sets of his dad's briefs, which were HUGE. Bob and I protested: "You never told us that you would use your dad's underwear!". All he said was "I never told you I wouldn't use my dad's underwear. " He made me and Bob each put on two sets of briefs, one forward (which was underneath), and one backwards (which was on top). Then AJ went at the front and grabbed the waistband of the outer pair of briefs, and Dan went at the back and grabbed the waistband of the inner pair of briefs. They each stood on a chair with me in between and pulled. Within a minute they had it over my head, and I wasn't allowed to pick it out otherwise I would get the "special" wedgie. They repeated the steps with Bob, but I couldn't see it, I could only hear the occasional groan. Dan said "I never told you how long you had to have it in for" and left the room with AJ and Mike. After about 15 minutes, I couldn't stand it anymore and just took out the wedgie and told Bob to do the same. I told him "Dan's special wedgie can't be much worse than this. " But Oh was I wrong. We got dressed again and walked downstairs. Dan was surprised to see us. He said "All right, wedgie time" but AJ stopped him. He grinned evilly "Let's wait till tonight. " Sure enough, at night, they woke us up at 12:00 and made us get into our briefs. Then he brought us into the closet. He made us stand on chairs, facing away from each other, with a coat hanger between us. The others had a good hold on the front of our briefs just in case we had any attempt at leaving. Dan tied our briefs together at the back and then pulled the chairs from under us. He then tied our hands and feet together in front of us. Then he left us and went to sleep along with AJ and Mike. This he named the teeter-totter wedgie for a good reason. Since our briefs were tied together, we had control over each other's wedgies. If I went on my tiptoes, Bob would also be on his tiptoes. If I relaxed and put my feet on the floor flat, Bob would be suspended in midair. Bob was first to fall asleep; so then I was suspended in midair and had to try to sleep like that. Dan let us down at about 8:00 am. He told us that if the sleepover had gone on for longer, he would have done the front.

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At one camp that I went too, I was constantly able to wake up early in the morning, and since my friends did not have watches, or alarm clocks, I soon became the group's alarm clock, who would wake up people on their request. Anyway, one evening, a certain person whom I had been dying to wedgie asked that I wake him up at 6:30 the next morning. I knew this might be my only chance to catch this kid by surprise(as he could probably pound me to the ground), so I agreed. Well, 6:30 came, and I went over to his tent to find him in the perfect position for a wedgie. I crawled into the back of the tent and stood beside him, trying to stay as quiet as I could so that he would not wake up. I grabbed his elastic, and saw his head jerk up reallllly fast. Out of surprise I cried "WHOA" and pulled as quickly as I could. However, I was too Late, he had already risen up and I felt my body being flung to the other side of the tent. I landed on a person relatively new to our group, who obviously woke up right away. Since there was someone else awake, I was lucky, the kid who I had just unsuccessfully wedgied only pounds people in private, so I was saved. He has yet to get me back, so I assume he's forgotten about it.