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Wedgie Stories
These stories were taken fromWorld Wide Wedgie

Smelly Wedgie
I was at my friend's, NIck's, house, who is much bigger than I am, and we were hanging around and watching TV. All of a sudden he wrestled me to the ground and pinned me. To rub it in he wouldn't let me get up for a long time and was just laying on me. Finally, he lifted me up and then put my head between his thighs and squeezed. While doing this, he gave me a wedgie. It was awful! Not only did the wedgie go all the way to my neck, but his thighs, which are huge, were getting tighter and tighter around my head. When he let me go, he wrestled me again to the ground, but this time I was saved when another kid in our grade, Tim, who is also bigger than me and extremely muscular, came down into the basement where we were. By this time, Nick was sitting on my head. He called Tim over who gave me a huge wedgie. Then they taped my cheeks and tied my wrists together. During this whole time, they were planning what to do and I was getting more and more worried. Then Nick grabbed his used and dirty boxers and shoved them in my mouth. They seemed as if they had been used for a week without being washed. Man, they were nasty! If this was not bad enough, Tim, who had just finished playing football, placed his armpit under my nose and I had to smell his pits for at least two and a half-hours before they finally let me go. This was worsened by Nick continuing to sit on my head and busting a$$, if you don't know what that is, it's farting badly. When they finally released me, they still were picking on me and giving me piledriver wedgies. That had to be one of my worst wedgies!

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