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Wedgie Stories
These stories were taken fromWorld Wide Wedgie

Rec Room Wedgie
I am 14 if some of you didn't know that. But anyway, on Saturday I had my friend, Zach, come over. We usually wedgie each other but he is stronger and gets me more. We were upstairs in my rec room and he got an atomic wedgie on me and then tied me to a coffee table. Then he left and when he came back, he had a new pair of underwear for me. The only problem was, they were cartoon underwear in a big size but it was still hard for me to fit in them. He said I had to wear those the whole time he was there or he would give me another atomic so I get screwed. So I put em' on and we played air hockey for a bit. He was planning on sleeping over but then got sick and decided to go home. As soon as he left, I went my room to change and he had taken ALL of my underwear for ransom and left a note. We had a Boy Scout swimming thing the next day and he said I had to wear those there to get my underwear back. So, I figured he wouldn't give my underwear back and would do worse unless I did it and I had nothing else to wear. So today, we were in the locker room changing and as soon as I undressed to my underwear, he yelled for everyone to come over. I was so embarrassed but that wasn't the worst part. He said, oh yea, your underwear. So they dragged me outside to the pool and threw me in with all of my underwear. Everyone was laughing and looking at me and they wouldn't let me out, they just kept pushing me back in the pool. Every time I jumped up, they would grab my little cartoon briefs, hold me over the edge by them giving me a wedgie and then drop me. Now I even get made fun of in Boy Scouts.

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