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Wedgie Stories
These stories were taken fromWorld Wide Wedgie

Pool Wedgie War
There were 3 brothers in their pool in the backyard, ages 16, 13, and 10. 16 was wearing trunks while the other two were wearing briefs. Well, the 16 year old was trying to scare the other 2 by telling them about stories from High School. "There was this one kid, right, and everyone hated him 'cause he was a dork, so the seniors got him in the boys locker room one day, they pantsed him and he was wearing these geeky Star Wars undies, so the football jock tackled him and held him down while they wedgied him!" 10 said, "Cool! Can we do that?" His older brothers, of course, conceded and thought they should do it like this: They would each go underwater, and whoever came up first had to be wedgied. Well, 13 lost first and tried to get out of the pool, but 16 pulled him back in by his swimming briefs, wrapped an arm around 13s armpits with his right arm, grabbed 13s swimsuit with the other and lifted! 13 squirmed around, but then 10 grabbed his legs and pulled downwards, forcing the wedgie in even deeper. 16 let him down, and they tried again. 10 lost this time, and 13 wanted to get him. 13 sat 10 on his lap and grabbed onto his swimsuit, then pushed him into the water! 10 squealed and grabbed onto the sides of his swimsuit, trying to unwedgie himself. Finally, 16 lost and 10 tried to get him, but 16 lifted him out of the pool by his briefs and swung him around, laughing. 13 snuck up behind 16 and yanked up his swimsuit about 1/2 way up his back, making him put 10 down. 16 spun around and grabbed the front of 13s swimsuit, then turned him around and grabbed the back, gettig the swimsuit up to his armpits on all sides. Then 10 and 13 both grabbed 16's trunks and got them nearly up to his head, then 10 tried to pants 13. So 16 unwedgies himself and gets out of the pool, while 13 grabs 10. 16 grabs 10s briefs and pulls them towards him, while 13 pulled down on 10s legs. Then their dad came outside. "What are you doing?!" As 16 tried to explain, the dad said "This is how you do it" and grabbed 16s arms. He lifted 16 up by his arms, turned 16 around, and grabbed 16s trunks, lifting him off the ground for a huge wedgie! !16s trunks were over his shoulders on all sides. Then 10 pulled 13s bathing suit down, successful this time. 13, mortified, yanked it up again, but by that point 10 was already positioned behind 13 and was pulling them up surprisingly high! Finally, they all fixed their wedgies and went in to change. It was quiet after that, except until the next wedgie war that night! To be continued...

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