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Wedgie Stories
These stories were taken fromWorld Wide Wedgie

Another Baby-Sitter Wedgie
We were arguing over what to watch on TV, one night, and I said(just to provoke him) "What are you going to do, wedgie me if I don't want to watch this?" He laughed and said "O.K.!" Before I could run away(sometimes I led him on chases, he gave better wedgies afterwards) he had grabbed my arms and pulled me face down on the couch. He got me in kind of a wrestling lock thing, his legs were around my arms and I was face down. My struggling must have exposed my boxer's waistband, since the next thing I felt was my waistband sliding up my back. He pulled up for a while, probably enjoying the "ah!" sounds I was making. A couple of times he grabbed at the boxers leg holes after they were exposed by his pulling on the waistband. When they wouldn't go up any further, he stopped pulling. I think my waistband was about 3/4 up my back. I thought he was going to let me up, but he just moved me so I could see the TV, and kept me held down. I watched TV wedgied until I was supposed to go to bed, and naturally went pretty quietly!

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