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Wedgie Stories
These stories were taken fromWorld Wide Wedgie

Parties, what fun......for the big guys
YAHOO!!! Summer holidays!! School's out!! YA........well, sort of. I was recently HOSTING a sleepover party (a small one with only one person: a guy who I've known since before kindergarten. He now plays football and is really tough and strong). He didn't wedgie me immediately since my parents were in the house. He waited till nighttime while my parents were out getting romantic in a restaurant. It was time to go to sleep, so we began to change. I had taken off my shirt, when he wedgied me. Now, let me tell you something about my bed. I have a sort of bunk bed. It is very high; and in the space underneath, there is a storage space for a mini desk that can slide in/out and a drawer. There is a ladder to get up to the bed's mattress, and since it is an 'elevated' bed, the law requires you to have a safety bar to prevent you from rolling off. This is what the bar looked like: _____|__________________________________________|_____ _____|__________________________________________|_____ _____|__________________________________________|_____ as you can see there are places on the left and right that, the underwear can hook onto. Anyhow, he had me in a wedgie, lifted my underwear and hooked it over the ladder. He tied my hands to the ladder and my legs as well so I couldn't resist anything. He walked around, inspecting the job he had done. After that, he took me off the hook and forced me on to the bed. He turned me sideways and hooked each leg loop on to the safety bar. He pulled my legs until the underwear was wedged severely into my buttcrack. Then he tied my feet to the other end of the safety bar. He left me there and made some sketches, but I didn't know that until later. After that, he let me go while he was laughing like crazy, but I couldn't retaliate because I knew he would cream me. The next morning he showed me the sketches that he had made of me. He is a really good artist, so I got a good idea of what I looked like. I was real embarrassed, but he promised not to tell anyone. We're still friends, and as far as I know, he hasn't told anybody of what happened.

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