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Wedgie Stories
These stories were taken fromWorld Wide Wedgie

My First Wedgie
I am in grade 7 right now and my first wedgie came when I was in grade 3. It was the last day of school before christmas holidays, and it was late after school, and there were no teachers around. I was waiting for my mom to pick me up. There were two other guys in the class with me. One guy was in my class, the other was a few years older. I was listening to them talk to each other, and the older guy was eating some candy. Then he noticed that I had been listening in and had been eyeing his candy. He thought that I was going to steal the candy, so he threatened me by asking me if I wanted a wedgie. At the time, I didn't know what a wedgie was, so I thought he meant the candy, so I said 'yes.' He said ',.....wasn't expecting that one.' He told the other guy to watch the hallway for teachers or parents. I was a bit confused at this, and while I was thinking about it, BANG! He tackled me to the ground and before I knew it, had me on my stomach and was sitting on my back. He lifted up my shirt and then grabbed my grey Hanes briefs by the waistband. I found out later that this was his style: he slowly began lifting, ever so slowly, and once the underwear had wedged up the buttcrack, he continued to still pull up, and up, and up. He had the wedgie up to my neck and still kept pulling. By this time, he had started standing up, and my legs were coming off of the floor. He hooked my waistband over the edge of a desk and piled on several math textbooks (you know, the hard-cover, really thick and HEAVY type of textbook). I was always small for my age (I still am), and at that time, I weighed almost nothing, so the books managed to support the weight of my legs. It was after about 10 min. of this torture that the other guy yelled out that someone was coming. He let me go and threatened me if I told anyone. The person in the hall was my mom. Now, my mom is from Singapore, and my dad is from Malaysia, so they don't know what wedgies are. What was I supposed to tell them, that some guy pulled up my underwear? anyway, they still don't know what wedgies are and I don't intend to ever tell them.

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