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Wedgie Stories
These stories were taken fromWorld Wide Wedgie

Lunch Wedgies
Since I often received my wedgies at lunch they often turned messy. The captain of the football teams a quarterback named Rod. From day one his mission in life was to humiliate me. He was very good at it. Since I want to a private boys school hazing of freshman was expected. My first day as a Freshman Rod called me over his table for lunch. I was wearing a plain white t-shirt and loose fitting jeans. My blue brief could be seen under my t- shirt. Rod yanked my shirt out of my pants and hoisted me up by the front of my briefs. He lifted me up 10 to 12 times. The pain was pretty intense. Rod then pulled my pants down to my shoes. By now every kid was in hysterics and egging Rod on. The choice for lunch that day was mashed potatoes or burgers. Rod had both. Rod took a large handful of potatoes and gravy and put them down my briefs. After he filled the briefs he wiped his hands on my hair and finish cleaning it on the back of my shirt. Rod then pulled my pants up to my hips and pulled on my brief with all his might. Rod finished the top by tucking my shirt into the briefs and I thought it might be over. Using the ketchup bottle. Rod started writing on my back. He had begun to write kick me but stopped before fishing. On the front he wrote fa and left off the g. If you alter your clothes I finish the letters got it kid. Now sit here and finish your lunch. The rest of the time I was the entire table's target for food of all types. By the time lunch was over I was covered in potatoes, gravy, ketchup and even milk. I was beginning to think it was going to be a long year

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