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Wedgie Stories
These stories were taken fromWorld Wide Wedgie

Andy and Jon Wrestle (And I Win)
This story takes place at Jon's house when we were all about 13. Me, Jon, and Andy (who I haven't mentioned before) were all wrestling in the basement. At one point Andy and Jon were wrestling and I looked away. When I looked back Andy was lying in the middle of the floor with his red sweatpants around his ankles and Jon was laughing and running away. Andy was really embarrassed by it and pulled up his pants as quick as he could. Me and Jon were both laughing at him from opposite sides of the room and he got really angry, but instead of going after Jon, he tackled me. I hit the cement and it took me a minute to stand up, mostly because I was so shocked. By the time I got up, Jon and Andy were fighting again. I yelled out, "Why the hell did you do that?" and they stopped. I ran got in Andy's face and yelled at him some more. I was really pissed off. Jon decided to relieve the tension by pantsing Andy from behind. When Andy bent over to grab his pants I pushed his head down and grabbed his waistband. After a few seconds of struggling to get his head locked between my legs, and him trying to decide whether to deal with his pants or his wedgie, I ended up behind him. I pulled up on his briefs until I lifted him off the ground and then let go of them. He stumbled over to the corner and tried to simultaneously pull up his pants and pull out his wedgie. He couldn't do it(and these are sweatpants people). Me and Jon began laughing hysterically. After about thirty seconds of attempting this, Andy finally chose to pull his pants up first.

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