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Wedgie Stories
These stories were taken fromWorld Wide Wedgie

Little T’s Third Wedgie
The day after I gave "Little T" his first couple wedgies, he came down to the pool and just hung around. I remember it was cloudy, so there were only a few people in the pool, and I asked him "Are you going swimming?" and he said "Maybe" and he wanted to sit in the lifeguard chair so I let him, and I was thinking "He's just sitting there waiting for me to give him another wedgie" and I smiled in spite of myself and wished the kids in the pool would just leave, dammit! After a while it started raining and the other kids finally got out of the pool and left, so it was just me and "Little T" with nothing to do. At one point he was standing right next to me, and I gave him a nudge with my elbow and asked "Hey 'Little T' guess what time it is?" and he looked at his watch and said "about 3:00" and I said "Nope, it's Wedgie Time!" and grabbed his arm with one hand and the back of his underwear with the other and gave a mini-hiked so the band of his underwear was barely peeking above the waist of his Levis, and I asked "Are you ready?" and he smiled and said "I don't care" and so I hiked to mid-back and he tensed up and said "Ahhh! Wait! I have to go pee!!" and so I said "OK, but come right back here" and I let him go, wondering if he would come back. He ran to the locker room, and after a minute he came back out and stood next to me again, so I said, "OK, second try" and repeated the mini-wedgie, asked "Ready?" and he didn't say anything, just smiled, so I hiked to mid-back. He was holding onto my non-wedgie-giving arm, so I went ahead and lifted him off the ground and started swinging him around as I walked around the pool deck, and he was giggling and at one point I said "Hey 'Little T' this is cool, it's like I'm doing a workout, like I'm lifting weights, see?" and I did some curls with my right arm, lifting him off the ground each time, then switched over and grabbed the back of his underwear with my left hand and did some curls with my left arm, and he kept on giggling. I wanted to see how much he could take, so I started giving him a bouncing wedgie by grabbing the back of his underwear with both hands and hiking him off the ground, letting him down briefly, then hiking again, and again and again, then I started timing the hikes so I was lifting upward as his momentum was going downward, causing the force of the wedgie to be greater than his weight alone, and at one point he cried out "Ahhh!" on one bounce then "Stop!!" on the next, but I decided to give one more bounce and screamed in pain and I let him down, and when he turned around I could see his face and he was not a happy camper, and at that point I knew that although he was light enough and tough enough to handle a hanging wedgie and a normal bouncing wedgie, that was pretty much as far as I could go, and I said "Sorry, that was too harsh wasn't it?" and he said "Yes!" and he was more mad than anything, and he went into the locker room to fix his wedgie and ended up not coming back onto the pool deck but instead went straight home, and I didn't see him for the rest of the day. I was thinking "Damn, I pushed it too far, now he's never coming back for another wedgie..." but it turns out I was wrong, in fact he came back the next day, and the next and the next, for the rest of that summer and the next two summers, but once again I'm getting ahead of myself, this particular story is done...

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