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Wedgie Stories
These stories were taken fromWorld Wide Wedgie

Little T’s Second Wedgie
It was about 1/2 hour before closing the pool on the day I gave "Little T" his first wedgie. He was the only one left in the water, so I told him, "Go get dressed and you can help me close up the pool". He looked all bright and excited, so I thought "Cool" then when he came back out I asked him "How did you like that wedgie I gave you?". He shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't care". I thought "Hmmmmm" and I said, "Can I show you something?" He said, "I don't care". I said, "This is a Pants Wedgie" and grabbed the back of his Levi's and hiked until he was on his toes. His body got a little tense but he just stood there, and I asked "Can I lift you off the ground?". He said, "I don't care" so I lifted him about 6 inches off the ground, my left arm across his chest to keep him from falling forward. He continued to just hang there with minimal reaction, so after a bit I put him down. I said "OK, now this is a Two-Handed Pants Wedgie" and grabbed his Levi's with both hands, one on each side from behind, and lifted him off the ground, and again he just hung there, kinda like a 70 pound sack of potatoes. I asked, "How's that?" and he said, "I don't care". I said "When you say 'I don't care' does that mean you like it?". He didn't say anything so I took that as a "Yes" so then I put him down and said "OK, now for a _real_ wedgie: An Underwear Wedgie". I bent him forward a bit, flipped up his shirt, reached down the back of his Levis, grabbed his Fruit of the Looms briefs and hiked until he was on his toes but not off the ground yet, my left arm once again across his chest. This time I finally got a reaction, a little different from his first one, he arched his back, scrunched his eyes closed, clenched his teeth and took a quick breath -- it looked like I finally hit the spot --. I said, "How's that" and he said "Uh" and I said "What?" and he said "Uhhh" and I said "Do you like it?" He said "Uhhhhhhh". Once again I took it as a "Yes" so I said "Can I lift you off the ground?" He finally said "No!" So I said, "Here, just a little bit, hold onto my other arm" so he grabbed my left arm. I lifted him off the ground so most his weight was supported by his now good-n-wedgied underwear, but some of it by my other arm that he was now holding onto for dear life. I said, "There, that's not too bad, is it?" He said "Uhhhhhhh" again, his face still scrunched up and his teeth still clenched, his underwear now about 3/4 up his back, and then put him down and he tried to reach around to unwedgie himself, but I said "Wait! There are a couple more!" I grabbed the back of his underwear with both hands and said, "This is a Two-Handed Underwear Wedgie" and hiked, but not off the ground. This time he held onto my fists for some support and said "Uhhhhhhh". I couldn't see his face but I'm pretty sure it was still scrunched up, so I didn't lift him off the ground but just kept him on his tippy toes, then after a little bit I let go and said "OK, last one, this is a Frontal Wedgie" (I didn't know the term "Melvin" at the time -- Oh, I wish the Internet Wedgie Community existed then!!) and reached around to grab the front of his briefs with both hands and hiked, though not too much, just enough so they peeked above the waist of his jeans, and this time he said "Ahhhhhh". when I let him go I could see he had a nice All-Around Wedgie. I said "How was that" but he didn't say anything as he ran into the lockerroom to unwedige himself. when he came out I told him "OK, now help me stack these chairs" and he did exactly what I told him to get the pool ready for closing and at that point I knew I had myself a good little willing wedgie-receiver for awhile....

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