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Wedgie Stories
These stories were taken fromWorld Wide Wedgie

Little T's First Wedgie
I was 18 and it was my 2nd or 3rd day on the job as a lifeguard at this new pool when in comes this scrawny 9-year-old -- he couldn't have been much more than 4' tall and 70 pounds or so that summer -- wearing worn out Levi's and a dingy tee-shirt. The instant I saw him I knew I had to give him a wedgie that day, whether he gave me a reason to or not. Anyway, he changed into his swimming trunks, jumped into the pool, and at one point he must have gotten bored because he came over and jumped into the pool right next to me, splashing me a little bit -- it had to have been on purpose. I said "Hey! You splashed me!" and he looked at me with this impish grin and said "So?" and dove underwater. I chucked a bit, and a few minutes later, he did the same thing, so that was it -- I said "Alright that's it, get out of the water and come over here next to me." When he did I smiled and grabbed his arm and said "I'm going to give you a wedgie for splashing me" and I could tell by the blank look on his face that he didn't know what in the world I was talking about. I asked him "Do you know what a 'wedgie' is?" and he shook his head, so I said, "OK, I'll show you." I turned him sideways, reached around and gave a slight hike of the back of his swimming trunks -- not even 1/4 up his back, but only just enough to introduce what wedgies are all about. The expression on "Little T's" face at that moment was priceless -- he had that classic first-time wedgie-receiving expression, kind of a mixture of surprise, confusion, pleasure/pain and apprehension, like he was thinking "Jeee-ZUSSS! What the hell is THAT?!?" His mouth formed a big 'O', his eyes were wide open, and he made a quick intake of breath. He also had a body posture of tense, nervous anticipation: head back, bent forward at the waist slightly, knees locked, arms at his sides, fingers spread wide, raised to his toes. He was on his toes not because I lifted him up, but because it was the natural reaction to this new and previously unknown experience -- "The Wedgie Condition" -- his mind no doubt entirely focused on the feeling of having clothing material being wedgied up into that highly sensitive crevice -- the butt-crack -- which until this moment he probably didn't give much thought to during the normal course of a day. Anyone who had their first wedgie at or around that age knows precisely what I'm describing... :-) Anyway, I could tell he didn't know what to make of this new experience, so he just stood there and took it in. I held him just like that for awhile, not lifting any higher but not letting him go either, and after a bit he finally said "Oh" but actually it was more like "Ohhhhhh," his mouth still forming an 'O', a hint of a smile playing across his face. I asked "Do you want me to lift higher?" but he didn't answer, just said "Ohhhhhh" again, so I gave his trunks the tiniest of hikes and he reacted by getting even more tense, making another quick intake of breath, trying to get even higher on his tippy toes, and saying "Ahhhhhh" but he still kept his hands at his sides. At that point I figured that was enough for his first-ever wedgie and let him go. He instantly reached around to pick his swimming trunks out of his butt-crack, then ran and jumped back into the pool. I couldn't help but laugh. After a few minutes I called over to him "Hey, what's you name?" and he said "Little T!" (Actually, he said his first name, which starts with a "T") and I thought to myself, "Well 'Little T' if I have my way that won't be the last time I'll be giving you a wedgie," and I was right. Boy, was I ever... :-)

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