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Wedgie Stories
These stories were taken fromWorld Wide Wedgie

Karate Kid Wedgie, Part 1 & 2
At the day camp I worked at the kids were involved in various activities, one of them being Karate Camp (I was in charge of Swimming Camp). Well, when I was 18 and there was this 10-year-old kid in Karate Camp who was amazingly full of energy all the time, so I'll call him "Spunky B." All week he was a definite wedgie-receiving candidate because he always wore his shorts pulled up very high, nearly to his belly button, so he was practically giving himself a wedgie all day anyway. Well, since he wasn't in my group I didn't have a good opportunity until one day he wanted to show me some of his karate moves. He went into attack stance, but I was reluctant, saying "I don't know how to fight, so please don't" but he spazzed out and went ahead and did some of his moves anyway, and at one point he faked me out and punched me in the shoulder and kicked me in the shin. I yelled "Ouch! Geeze, you little....!" and I'm sure you know by now I'm not one to put up with stuff like that, so without warning I spun him around, got a good hold of the back of his shorts and underwear, hiked them halfway up his back so he was on his tippy toes, and held him there. I could tell by the expression on his face, the tenseness of his body and the way his eyes nearly popped out of this head that this was a first-time-ever wedgie for "Spunky B" -- he didn't know what to do with himself so he just stood there while I said "Next time you hit me I'm going to lift off the ground by your underwear" and he just continued to stand there as tense as a board, holding his breath, eyes bulging, trying to switch from the tippy toes of one foot to the other to help alleviate his first case of "The Wedgie Condition." I gave one more mini-hike just for the heck of it, lifting him off the ground for a split second, got a staccato "Ah!" out of him, then let him go. He turned around, giggling like a maniac, face flush, still with an expression of surprise/apprehension/expectation on his face -- he was as spunky and full of unrestrained energy as ever! -- he picked out his wedgie, and went into an attack stance again. I looked at him, daring him to try something, anything, and said "I'm serious..." and we had a stare-down for a few seconds, and then I flinched like I was going to grab him again and he screeched and laughed and ran away, only to come back for more a few days later which I'll tell you about next time... Karate Kid Wedgie, Part 2 A few days after I gave little 10 year old "Spunky B" his first wedgie, he ran up to me out of the blue and practically yelled "Want to see some of my new moves?!?" and got into his attack stance. He was wearing pants this time, and I noticed they were kind of tight. I kind of rolled my eyes and said "OK, but remember what happened last time!" and he laughed and tried to fake me out and hit me. At first I was able to block everything, but eventually he got in a good fake and punched me in the stomach, not too hard but hard enough, so I just said "That's it..." and without warning again I spun him around and tried to give him a wedgie, but it turns out his pants were so tight I couldn't even reach down to grab anything, so I just grabbed the back of his pants and lifted him off the ground and kind of spun him around in circles. He was laughing and said "Wheeee -- this is fun!" and this wasn't good enough for me so I asked "Why are your pants so tight?" and he said "Because I'm wearing my shorts underneath!" and even though believed him I decided to see how far I could take it, so I said "No you're not! Your shorts don't fit under your pants!" and he said "Yes they do!" and I said "No they don't!" and he said "Yes they do! See?" and I put him down and he proceeded to reach down and grab a little bit of his shorts on the side and hike the band about an inch above his pants waist and he looked at me and said "I told you!" and I said "Those aren't your shorts!" and he said "Yes they are!" and I said "No they aren't! I bet they don't go all the way around!" and he said "Yes they do!" and I said "Prove it!" and he started hiking up more of the band of his shorts above his pants, moving towards his stomach. When he got about 3 or 4 inches around, I said "Here, let me help you!" and grabbed him around the waist and started inching my way around, hiking the band of his shorts a little higher, about 2 or 3 inches above his pants waist, and he started giggling, the expression on his face turning into the classic wedgie-receiver expression, his mouth wide open, his eyes bulging, holding his breath, and after a few more moments he dropped his arms to his sides and stood there passively as I continued to give him a nice all-around wedgie. When I finally got the entire circumference of the band of his shorts about 3 inches above the waist of his pants, I said "Oh, maybe you're right..." and just for good measure I grabbed the back of his shorts and lifted him off the ground for a second and got that staccato "Ah!" I enjoy hearing so much, and I said "My mistake -- sorry about that -- let me help you tuck it back in now" and then tucked his shorts back into his pants so on the surface you really couldn't tell he was being wedgied, but by the expression on his face and the way he moved around it was clear that he still had a bad case of "The Wedgie Condition" being held in place by his tight pants, then for the next 20 minutes I wrestled with him and tickled him and prevented him from leaving to fix his wedgie, and he was laughing so hard and his face was so red and he was spazzing out so bad that I was afraid he was going to pass out from not getting enough oxygen. Finally I let him go and he went into the next room to fix his wedgie, and when he came back he was a lot calmer but seemed really pleased with himself, and although I was hoping to get him at least one more time I never got another opportunity, and after that two week camp session was over I never saw "Spunky B" again....

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