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Wedgie Stories
These stories were taken fromWorld Wide Wedgie

Josh Gets Wedgied by the Baby-Sitter
When I was 14, I had an 18 year old baby-sitter named Josh. He was pretty cool, horsed around a lot, and of course wedgied me. Here's one story: We were in my room playing a racing video game. I was being kind of bratty, I'll admit-trying to distract him, that kind of thing. Finally, he said, "if you cheat one more time, you're getting a wedgie." Naturally, I couldn't resist. So just before the next race ended, I yanked his controller out of the game console. "That's it!" he said, smiling, and pulled me to my feet, spun me around, and grabbed the back of my boxer-briefs. He pulled up with both hands, easily lifting me to my tiptoes. I was struggling, and making those "ah...ah" sounds. Now, Josh was really strong, and I was pretty light for a 14-year old. When my boxer-briefs got up to my midback, he let go of them with one hand and lifted my feet off the ground. He was carrying me! He carried me over to this basketball hoop I've got in my room, lifted me up and put me in it, butt-first. I was stuck and wedgied. "That's what you get for cheating, " he said. I couldn't pull myself out, and I couldn't reach my wedgie to fix it. He watched me struggle for a bit, then lifted me out saying "I just hoped you learned your lesson" Needless to say, I didn't, and our wedgie-baby-sitter sessions would go on for a while.

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