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Wedgie Stories
These stories were taken fromWorld Wide Wedgie

Jim at Co-ed Party
I know my last few stories have been very long with a lot of background, so I'm going to give you a shorter one. This one involves Mark, Jon, and Jim. At the time we were about 14 and Jim was 12. I'm pretty sure it was the 4th of July because it was at a party at my house with a few other boys and maybe ten girls. I was talking to a few of the girls and I turned around to see Jim getting a wedgie from Mark and Jon at the same time. Everyone gathered around them in a big circle and watched. Jim was bent forward and the only part of him touching the ground was his fingers and occasionally his feet. After a few more minutes they let him down and Mark said, "OK, let's let him fix his size nine fruit of the looms." (I know that sounds odd, but it was part of a wedgie ritual Mark had; I'll tell you another time) Jim ran into one of the corners of the room ( don't ask me why he didn't leave) and unwedgied himself while he all stared at him. Even though the girls laughed a lot during the wedgie, they got a "poor little hurt puppy" mentality afterwards, which of course sickened all us guys.

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